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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 94« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Gary E. Taylor)

Mr. Taylor.
night school, Crozier Tech here in Dallas---which is our technical high school and----
Mr. Jenner.
Was this occasion in the early evening?
Mr. Taylor.
I think it was in midafternoon.
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Taylor.
Mr. Jenner.
Are you certain about that?
Mr. Taylor.
Yes; uh--because this apartment in question had a small balcony on the front of it and I remember the door was open and I thought what a nice place for the baby to play and some of the baby's toys--a ball and something or other--were out there on this porch, and I thought how much nicer this was than the apartment they had had.
Mr. Jenner.
Was that what led you to suggest that it was in the afternoon rather than the early evening? It doesn't get dark here in Texas--and this was what? The spring, did you say?
Mr. Taylor.
Mr. JENNER, 1963?
Mr. Taylor.
Yes. No; you are trying to say that it may have been early evening, although it was still quite light. My memory tells me that it was midafternoon.
Mr. Jenner.
All right. Was anything said about the fact he was working?
Mr. Taylor.
I don't remember her saying what he was doing or if he was working at all.
Mr. Jenner.
I shouldn't have used the term "working"--whether he was employed?
Mr. Taylor.
Uh--I don't think at that time he was. Again, it's just a very, very vague recollection.
Mr. Jenner.
Was she able to communicate with you, or you to understand, as to what studies he was pursuing at Crozier Tech?
Mr. Taylor.
No; I don't believe that I remember what he was studying at all at Crozier Tech.
I did inform Marina of my impending divorce and--uh--in other words, telling her that Mrs. Taylor and I were no longer living together and we had separated. Uh--and she said that she had been ill, I believe. And--uh--she invited me to come back in the evening and I left. And I would say the whole interview with her took certainly no longer than 10 minutes.
Mr. Jenner.
Uh-huh. And this, as you recall, was in 1963?
Mr. Taylor.
Mr. Jenner.
Was anything said that his attendance at Crozier Tech was in the night school?
Mr. Taylor.
Yes; it was in the night school.
Mr. Jenner.
But your visit was in the midafternoon?
Mr. Taylor.
That's right.
Mr. Jenner.
Did she indicate .to you that he was then at Crozier Tech or that he would be at Crozier Tech that evening?
Mr. Taylor.
She, I don't believe, indicated either thing to me. I don't--I can't honestly say that she indicated where Lee was at the time. She may have said he was at work or not at work.
Mr. Jenner.
You just don't have enough recollection to know whether she said he was employed and working and had work at that time?
Mr. Taylor.
Uh--the general impression is that he was not working, but it distinct enough to make a flat statement upon.
Mr. Jenner.
Is that the last time you ever saw Marina?
Mr. Taylor.
Mr. Jenner.
When was the last time you ever saw Lee?
Mr. Taylor.
The previous occasion I have mentioned where I went to visit in the evening to return the manuscript. That was the last time I saw Lee.
Mr. Jenner.
That was prior to November 15, 1962?
Mr. Taylor.
Yes; I don't know why he wanted that manuscript at that time. I know that he wanted it very badly.
Mr. Jenner.
He called you for it?
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