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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VIII - Page 465« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Igor Vladimir Voshinin)

Mr. Voshinin.
But of some kind--I don't know what the official name of the organization may be---but it was some kind of Communist Youth Organization.
So she said when she married him that the situation what it was and they did not want to stay in China and they debated the question of whether to go to Soviet Russia or to go to United States. And she said that it's her influence was to break up-- that he break up all his ties with the Communists. And come to the United States.
Mr. Jenner.
That was her desire?
Mr. Voshinin.
She said that was her desire. And she said that's what her first husband did--that they broke off with the Communists and come over to the United States. And she said, "Since then, neither my husband or me have anything to do with the Communist Party." That's her story.
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Voshinin.
On the other hand, she was always praising the Chinese Communist regime because she was saying that they do a lot of good developing her beloved native country.
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Voshinin.
When she said--mentioned that in my presence, I said, "This is pure Communist propaganda. You should know better than tell that."
On this she repeated very, you know angrily, she say, "You should not tell me that I spread Communist propaganda---because they shot my father."
That's what she said.
But that argument of whether the Communists do anything positive for China or not was, you know, coming back and back.
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Voshinin.
Repeatedly when we met. And sometimes, especially my wife and her were so angry with each other that we wouldn't talk with them, you know, for several months. But somehow you meet these people again somewhere in the same social circle, then you talk to them again.
Mr. Jenner.
There was a violent difference of opinion between your wife and Mrs. De Mohrenschildt on this subject?
Mr. Voshinin.
On this subject.
But where the Russian Communists are concerned, she always said that they are too nationalistic for her. She doesn't like she didn't like that.
Mr. Jenner.
Mrs. De Mohrenschildt?
Mr. Voshinin.
Mrs. De Mohrenschildt didn't like that.
She said, "I don't like anything about Russia." She didn't like Russian music, she wouldn't stand a record in Russian language, or even anybody, you know, whistling a Russian tune. She would get so angry I don't know what.
And she would say, "I am against nationalism of any kind. I am for the world governments" She was very much for the world government, you know, and things like that--international institutions and--uh; but, on the other hand, when you start, you know, pressing her against the wall, you say, "Well, stop that. That's kind of communistic talk,"--she would immediately bring into the thing that "They killed my poor father. I just want to be objective, you know, and say what's bad, what's good." And she said, "you are all one-sided reactionaries," and so on, and "what do you think?" "I would praise the killers of my father?" And so on. "I just want to be objective."
Well, you know, I don't like to argue with, you know, too much with women; so I just stay away from that argument. But my wife will probably tell you.
Mr. Jenner.
All right. Now, did you become acquainted at any time----
Mr. Voshinin.
May I say something in addition?
Mr. Jenner.
Mr. Voshinin.
Because that's what I said about her.
What his concern---I never heard about him praising Chinese or Russian Communists but he was praising the Yugoslav Communists. He was there and he came there and he was very enthusiastic about what the wonderful things they are doing. You know, I lived in Yugoslavia myself and I tried to explain him that this country was pretty good country before and there was nothing just to save it from.
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