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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 337« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of William W. Scoggins)

Mr. Scoggins.
Yes, I saw her down there talking to the policemen after I came back. You see, I saw her talking to them.
Mr. Belin.
You never actually saw her standing on the street, did you?
Mr. Scoggins.
I never actually observed her there.
Mr. Belin.
All right.
Mr. Dulles.
When you say, "I came back" is that when you got into your car?
Mr. Scoggins.
After I had got in the car and toured the neighborhood and then the policemen came along and I left my cab setting down there and got in a car with them and left the scene.
Mr. Dulles.
At what stage did you see Mrs. Markham?
Mr. Scoggins.
After I had gotten back up there. After I had drove around in the neighborhood looking for Oswald or looking for this guy.
Mr. Dulles.
It was after that?
Mr. Scoggins.
It was after that.
(Discussion off the record.)
Mr. Belin.
Mr. Scoggins, when you identified the man in the lineup at the police station on November 23, was there any other person who at the same time was asked to identify a man in that lineup?
Mr. Scoggins.
Yes, one other.
Mr. Belin.
Do you know-one other person?
Mr. Scoggins.
Mr. Belin.
Do you know what that man's name is or what his occupation is?
Mr. Scoggins.
Yes, he drives a taxicab.
Mr. Belin.
Do you know his name?
Mr. Scoggins.
Yes; his name is Bill Whaley.
Mr. Belin.
Mr. Scoggins.
I think it is Whaley. I didn't know him from Adam until that day, you know, and he said his name was Whaley.
Mr. Belin.
When you were there and identified a man, had Whaley already identified that man or not? I mean, did you hear Whaley or see Whaley identify that man?
Mr. Scoggins.
No. He was sitting over on my left.
Mr. Belin.
He. was on your left?
Mr. Scoggins.
Yes. It was dark. They turned the lights out where we were sitting. We could see the man with lights up there.
Mr. Belin.
Could you see Mr. Whaley at the time he made the identification?
Mr. Scoggins.
Well, I suppose if I would have looked over there I could have seen that there was a man there, that I could have recognized him.
Mr. Belin.
Were you looking at Mr. Whaley at the time?
Mr. Scoggins.
Mr. Belin.
Did you make your identification by your voice or by your hands?
Mr. Scoggins.
By my hands, using--I put up three fingers.
Mr. Belin.
Did they tell you ahead of time to hold up the number of fingers for the man that you saw?
Mr. Scoggins.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Belin.
How many fingers did you hold up?
Mr. Scoggins.
Mr. Belin.
At the time you held up your three fingers, did you know how many fingers Mr. Whaley was holding up?
Mr. Scoggins.
Mr. Belin.
Then did you know whether or not Mr. Whaley had identified the man?
Mr. Scoggins.
No, I sure don't.
Mr. Belin.
Was there any person or were there any persons standing between you and Mr. Whaley?
Mr. Scoggins.
That I don't know because I did not look over there.
Mr. Dulles.
Could Mr. Whaley, in your opinion, see you holding up these fingers?
Mr. Scoggins.
No, no. I made sure of that because I had my hand down like this.
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