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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 331« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of William W. Scoggins)

Mr. Scoggins.
I heard him--whenever I heard him hit those bushes--
Mr. Belin.
Did you stand or just look through your cab window?
Mr. Scoggins.
I just looked and saw he was going down there.
Mr. Belin.
About how close was this man to you when you saw him, the closest when you saw him coming through the bushes, approximately.
Mr. Scoggins.
Oh, I would say from here to that chair down there.
Mr. Belin.
Mr. Scoggins.
About that chair down there.
Mr. Belin.
12 feet?
Mr. Scoggins.
Mr. Dulles.
Referring to your tracing of the path that the man later found to be Oswald followed, he went through the lower of these two bushes there, did he? He went right through it?
Mr. Scoggins.
Yes, sir. You see there is an opening in there.
Mr. Dulles.
But he didn't apparently take the opening, according to this, because he went right through the bushes.
Mr. Scoggins.
Well, because I didn't see any opening in there. Was there an opening in there?
Mr. Belin.
Mr. Dulles, for the record, when you are referring to 523, there is an opening between the shrubbery, but within the shrubbery itself there is an opening, and I think it will appear if you--
Mr. Dulles.
I think the witness testified he heard the bushes move.
Mr. Scoggins.
Mr. Belin.
Yes. But the opening within the bushes, is it a large opening or a small opening between the bushes?
Mr. Scoggins.
It is not too large, but a man can get through very easily by going through.
Mr. Dulles.
But he hits the bushes as he goes through?
Mr. Scoggins.
Mr. Dulles.
I see. That makes it clear.
Mr. Belin.
It is not the wide opening between the two sets of bushes.
Mr. Dulles.
It is not quite as wide.
Mr. Scoggins.
It is an opening between the bushes themselves, like maybe someone had planted three bushes and maybe one of them had died to break the shrubbery.
Mr. Dulles.
That has happened to me.
Mr. Belin.
What I am saying, Mr. Dulles, on Exhibit 523 there are two groups of bushes. Within the lower group of bushes there is a slight space to which the witness is referring.
Mr. Dulles.
I see. It is not the space here.
Mr. Belin.
It is not the space between the two sets of bushes.
Mr. Dulles.
At this point do you recall whether he was running or walking or what pace was he going at?
Mr. Scoggins.
He was going at a kind of lope.
Mr. Dulles.
Mr. Scoggins.
Yes, what you might call a little trot. He did not seem in too big a hurry, but he wasn't walking.
Mr. Belin.
Mr. Scoggins, you last saw the man when he was at the point that you let the line stop at on Exhibit 523, is that correct?
Mr. Scoggins.
Yes, sir. That would be in the approximate location.
Mr. Belin.
What did you do?
Mr. Scoggins.
I got on my radio.
Mr. Belin.
And then you told us about calling your dispatcher?
Mr. Scoggins.
Mr. Belin.
What did you do after that?
Mr. Scoggins.
Well, I got back in my cab to call my dispatcher, you see.
Mr. Belin.
Mr. Scoggins.
And then I got out of the cab and run down there; the ambulance had already arrived by the time I got there, and they were in the process of picking the man up, and they had done had him, was putting him on the stretcher when I got there, and they put him in the ambulance and took him
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