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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. III - Page 332« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of William W. Scoggins)

Mr. Scoggins.
away, and there was someone that got on the radio at that time and they told him he was going to report it, so they told him to get off the air, that it had already been reported, and he picks up the officer's pistol that was laying on the ground, apparently fell out of his holster when he fell, and says, "Come on, let's go see if we can find him."
Mr. Dulles.
Before you ask the next question, I wonder if I can ask one question here. Do you know whether the ambulance came as a result of the message you sent?
Mr. Scoggins.
No, I sure don't.
Mr. Dulles.
You do not know?
Mr. Scoggins.
Mr. Dulles.
From the time angle, do you think that could have happened?
Mr. Scoggins.
It was awful fast if it did. They got there awfully quickly if they did.
Mr. Dulles.
You don't know of any other warning going in; you put your warning in, and that is all you know about it?
Mr. Scoggins.
That is all I know about it at that time, and I do know this other gentleman called after I got up to the car, he called in, and they told him it had already been.
(Off the record discussion.)
Mr. Belin.
Mr. Scoggins, I started to ask you about the revolver of the policeman when you came and saw him. This was in his holster or on the street?
Mr. Scoggins.
It was on the street whenever I saw it.
Mr. Belin.
Do you know where it was with relation to the policeman's body?
Mr. Scoggins.
It was there pretty close to his body, you know, like kind of under his body when they picked him up. It either fell out of his holster or was laying on the ground, one, I don't know which.
Mr. Belin.
What did you see him do? This man came up and picked up the policeman's gun. He picked it up and said, "Let's go see if we can find him?"
Mr. Scoggins.
I thought the man was a kind of police, Secret Service or something, I didn't know, and I take him and we drove around over the neighborhood looking, and I still didn't know what kind--I still thought he was connected with the Police department in some way.
Mr. Belin.
What route did you take as you drove over the neighborhood?
Mr. Scoggins.
I couldn't tell you.
Mr. Belin.
You can't tell us the route you took over the neighborhood?
Mr. Scoggins.
I was doing the driving and he was doing the directing.
Mr. Belin.
He directed you where to go?
Mr. Scoggins.
Actually, I couldn't say where he was going.
Mr. Belin.
All right.
Representative Ford.
Were you in your cab?
Mr. Scoggins.
Representative Ford.
When you saw the pistol it wasn't in Officer Tippit's hands?
Mr. Scoggins.
No, sir; oh, he never did have a pistol in his hand, as far as I know.
Mr. Belin.
You saw him when he was falling?
Mr. Scoggins.
Yes; he was holding his stomach.
Mr. Belin.
You saw him holding his stomach as he fell?
Mr. Scoggins.
Mr. Belin.
Did he have anything in his hands?
Mr. Scoggins.
If he did I couldn't see it, and I don't think he ever got to his pistol from what I saw.
Mr. Belin.
Did you see the man with the gun as he opened his gun, as he was going to the west on--up 10th Street at all after the shooting?
Mr. Scoggins.
No, I didn't see him.
Mr. Belin.
After you went around to look for the man, did you find him at all?
Mr. Scoggins.
No. We drove around and asked several people, but we did not see anybody that looked like him.
Mr. Belin.
Then what did you do?
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