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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. II - Page 79« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Roy H. , Special Agent, Kellerman)

Mr. Kellerman.
The flurry.
Representative Ford.
The noise as a flurry?
Mr. Kellerman.
That is right, sir.
Mr. Specter.
Excuse me, do you have any independent recollection, Mr. Kellerman, of the number of shots, aside from the inference that you make as to how many points of wounds there were?
Mr. Kellerman.
Could you rephrase that, please?
Mr. Specter.
Yes. You have drawn a conclusion, in effect, by saying that there were four wounds for the President and three wounds for the Governor; and from that, you say there must have been more than three shots in your opinion or your view. But my question is: Do you have any current recollection of having heard more than three shots?
Mr. Kellerman.
No. I don't. I will have to say "No."
Senator COOPER. Has that been your recollection from the very time of the shooting?
Mr. Kellerman.
No, sir; it has been my opinion.
Senator COOPER. Not your opinion, but from the time of the shooting you think then that you heard only three shots, or did you--
Mr. Kellerman.
Senator COOPER. Or did you ever think that you heard more than three?
Mr. Kellerman.
No, sir; I can't say that, sir.
Mr. Specter.
Now, you referred to four wounds, Mr. Kellerman, realizing, of course, your characterization is only lay opinion.
Mr. Kellerman.
Very true.
Mr. Specter.
Would you tell us which wounds you made reference to by that statement, please?
Mr. Kellerman.
All right. Can I keep the train going from the time we got to the hospital?
Mr. Specter.
Yes, sir; do it in your own way just as you please.
Mr. Kellerman.
Fine. As we arrived at the hospital I immediately got out of the car. Our followup car is in back of us, as you will recall. I yelled to the agents, "Get in"--"Go get us two stretchers on wheels."
In the meantime in a matter of seconds--I don't know how they got out so fast--I turned right around to the back door and opened it. By this time Mrs. Connally had raised up, and the Governor is lying in her lap, face up. His eyes are open and he is looking at me, and I am fairly sure he is alive. By this time I noticed the two stretchers coming out of the emergency room, and I said to the Governor, I said, "Governor, don't worry; everything is going to be all right." And he nodded his head, which I was fairly convinced that that man was alive.
By this time the stretcher is there. I get inside on one side of him, and Special Agent Hill on the other. Somebody is holding his feet, and we remove the Governor and put him on the stretcher and they take him in.
We then get in and help Mrs. Connally out. Our next move is to get Mrs. Kennedy off from the seat, which was a little difficult, but she was removed. Then Mr. Hill removed his coat and laid it over the President's face and shoulder. He and I among two other people I don't know--we lifted up the President and put him on a stretcher and followed him right into the emergency room.
Gentlemen, this emergency room is a, it looks like a, checkerboard; it has a walkway down the center and a crossway and there are rooms on each side. President Kennedy was put into the one on the right, Governor Connally across on the left. And as we pushed the wheelchair in--we pushed the stretcher inside, the medical people just seemed to form right in, right there, and I walked around him and I wanted to look at this man's face, they had him face up.
Senator COOPER. The President?
Mr. Kellerman.
The President; I am sorry. I did not see any wounds in that man's face.
Mr. Specter.
Indicating with your hand at that moment the front part of his face?
Mr. Kellerman.
Right, sir.
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