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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 638« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Lawrence V. Meyers)

Mr. Meyers.
I can only answer that by telling you, Mr. Griffin, that if this is so, I would be the most surprised man. I personally have absolutely no knowledge or indication of this in any shape, manner, or form, and my reason for being so positive is that I don't think Jack ever lied to me. He would have nO reason to lie to me in any of our conversations, and that he made it a point to tell me that one of the things that he detested about people who would try to impose on their friendship with him to get him to influence any of the girls in his club to go with them.
He made it a point to tell me that he didn't approve of this type of thing. He said what they do when they are out of here is their business.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you have any indication, any information, that Jack Ruby was a homosexual.
Mr. Meyers.
I have been asked that question by the FBI. If Jack Ruby is a homosexual, I know absolutely nothing about it. He certainly never indicated to me in any shape, manner, or form.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, let me now switch from Jack Ruby to some of your own activities. Let me ask you have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?
Mr. Meyers.
Mr. Griffins.
Have you ever been a member of any political group, let me state it, have you ever been a member of any group who lobbied for any bills or---
Mr. Meyers.
Let me answer by telling you this. I have a daughter who is a nuclear chemist and who has worked at Argonne and various nuclear reactors. I have a son who was in the ASA for a couple of years.
Mr. Griffin.
What is the ASA?
Mr. Meyers.
Army Security Agency, who had a crypto clearance and I and my wife and my family and my wife's family have been investigated two or three times by various agencies who have to do with these things, and there is absolutely no record of any subversive, Communist, or neopolitical organization or any of this type.
Now, I will answer these questions one by one as you ask them of me if you want me to, but these facts have already been established through my son and my daughter.
You see, when Vicki went to work for Argonne, she had to get a security clearance, and Ralph was in this operation, Ralph was stationed someplace outside of Turkey, and to this day he can't tell me what he did. I said, "Ralph, what were you actually doing." He said, "Dad, if you don't ask me I won't have to lie to you."
Mr. Griffin.
Did you see Jack Ruby at any time on Sunday, November 24?
Mr. Meyers.
Mr. Griffin.
Have you seen Jack Ruby at any time since November 24?
Mr. Meyers.
I have been tempted, but I decided the thing to do is to stay away from him. I have been to Dallas any number of times since, but I don't see where I could do him any good by seeing him. and I certainly can't do myself any good by seeing him. He doesn't need me.
I will tell you this. Had I been called--for any reason had I been called to testify at his trial, I would have testified.
Mr. Griffin.
Have you ever seen a gun in Jack Ruby's possession?
Mr. Meyers.
You mean in his pocket.
Mr. Griffin.
Either in his pocket or--
Mr. Meyers.
I have seen a gun in his hands.
Mr. Griffin.
On how many different occasions?
Mr. Meyers.
One occasion I remember distinctly. I saw on one of my trips to Dallas--I don't remember which one it was---I stayed with Jack until he closed the club and then we went from there and got his car and went to have some coffee or something, and then we said goodby. He went home and I went home. When he left the club he had a money pouch, I suppose you would call it, and he always kept his car in the garage adjacent to his club. He opened the trunk
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