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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 532« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of )

Mr. Mccurdy.
cold drinks--Dr. Black's cold drink. The reason I remember this--they surrounded with or had gold foil on them and he said you could only get them in New York and that they were the best cold drinks in the world, and they were in my estimation--the best cold drinks I've ever had, but as I said, I felt later I should have turned one of these bottles over to the FBI.
it until just here recently, about turning it over to the FBI.
Mr. Hubert.
Why was that?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Well, because it had been said they found some cold bottles where Oswald supposedly shot President Kennedy, and I was going say--for Heaven's sake, if they found the same kind as these cold drink bottles, I see no reason why they should, but if they did, it would certainly establish some kind of a link.
Mr. Hubert.
In other words, they were unique kinds of bottles?
Mr. Mccurdy.
They were they certainly were.
Mr. Hubert.
Unique in shape or what?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Well, they were unique in shape.
Mr. Hubert.
What was the shape?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Well, it was more on the order of a small Pepsi-Cola bottle b the label was what was different. It had gold foil wrapped around it up the top. It was apparently a very expensive cold drink--I would say.
Mr. Hubert.
It was called Dr. Black ?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Dr. Black's cold drinks.
Mr. Hubert.
And your thought is that if the bottles found near the position where Oswald was supposed to be, were the same type of bottle, that would significant, is that it?
Mr. Mccurdy.
It certainly would; yes.
Mr. Hubert.
That, of course, is noted and will be followed up. About how long afterward did Ruby actually appear at the station?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Oh, I hate to say anything contradictory to what's in the merit there, but I really can't remember what I said. I just read over it a little bit ago, though.
Mr. Hubert.
Well, do you want to look it over again?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Yes; let's see. "I advised that some 15 or 20 minutes later ran downstairs between a record"--I started to putting on a record apparently or some album record, one of our albums there and ran downstairs and opened the front door and Jack was waiting there with sandwiches and drinks and he was waiting there and apparently had been waiting a few minutes.
Mr. Hubert.
Was Russ Moore with him then at that time?
Mr. Mccurdy.
I can't remember. Now, I get the feeling that Russ went down with me to open the door, and the more I think about it, I'm not exctly sure that he did.
Mr. Hurbert.
You said that was about 20 minutes after the phone call?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Right. I would say sometime before 1 o'clock, around a quarter to 1.
Mr. Hubert.
You testified a minute ago, I think, that you thought the phone

call was about 12:20, so this would have been 12:40 or 12:45?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Right; correct.
Mr. Hubert.
How long did he stay ?
Mr. Mccurdy.
To my knowledge Jack stayed, maybe an hour or maybe longer. After our conversation ended, I didn't really take note of whether Jack was still in there or not--he was kind of a hanger-on
Mr. Hubert.
You didn't talk to him but just these few minutes?
Mr. Mccurdy.
The two times I talked to him---once in the hall and in the control room.
Mr. Hubert.
Do you remember whether-he was there when Glenn Duncan went on his 2 o'clock news broadcast?
Mr. Mccurdy.
I can't remember--I really can't remember. I'll tell you--there was a diversionary action going on and I was paying attention to this Pappas, what's his name, that was from WNEW. Of course, all of us in markets the size of Dallas are always interested in larger markets like New York and Chicago, and I was kind of wacthing him, and so it threw part of my attention off of Jack on to him.
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