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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XV - Page 531« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of )

Mr. Mccurdy.
said, "I'm going to close my club down this weekend. I'd rather lose 12 or
15,000--" Oh, that's a discrepancy--I think he said 12 or 1500 right there.
Mr. Hubert.
Mr. Mccurdy.
It should be 12 or 1500, and he said that.
Mr. Hubert.
It's a discrepancy then in the second paragraph of page 2 of Exhibit No. 1 where it says "12 to 15,000" it should be "12 to 1500"?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Right. He said, "I'd rather lose 12 or 1500 this weekend by closing down than I had not to be able to live with myself." You can certainly imagine what a shock this was to me when he went out on Sunday and shot Oswald.
Mr. Hubert.
I show you a photostat of a card. Is that the Carousel Club's card.?
Mr. Mccurdy.
As a matter of fact, I have one right here.
Mr. Hubert.
Is that the one?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Hubert.
You are showing me one that you're taking out of your wallet?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Yes; and here's another one Jack had given me earlier, a picture of one of the strippers on it.
Mr. Hubert.
These two cards are different from the one I'm showing you?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Mr. Hubert.
The one I'm showing you is a part of the exhibit one page 3, Exhibit No. 1 of the deposition of David L. Johnston. Was that the type of card he gave you?
Mr. Mccurdy.
No; this is the one he gave me right here. This one also, of course, is his. Now, this doesn't have any advertising for Jack, but this is the back ground on one of his girls down there that he had. Also, I have no idea why he did it, but I have one of the bottles that Jack left up there and it was a very unusual brand of soda pop that I had taken to my apartment I took it over to the apartment and just threw it in the ice box because it was one of them that was left over, and I had heard earlier that they found some cold drink bottles up in the window where Oswald was and I was going to say if there was any kind of connection as far as this type of cold drink was concerned, I would certainly be able to identify the other bottle, if it was like this one.
Mr. Hubert.
Can you fix the time when Ruby first called by telephone, I think you received the call, didn't you?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Yes. Oh, my gosh, it would have to be after midnight and I'm sure it was before 1 o'clock.
Mr. Hubert.
Why do you pick those two times?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Well, it was my recollection that I had Just come on the air. I went on at midnight at that time and Russ Knight, the Weird Beard, was still there, and he gets off at midnight, and he was sticking around the station and
I placed the time that I got the call the first time, I would say, about 12:20.
Mr. Hubert.
Were there two calls or one?
Mr. Mccurdy.
There was only one to my recollection that Jack made.
Mr. Hubert.
Was that on the hot line?
Mr. Mccurdy.
No; it was on what we term the jock line. It's in my paper
there. The number has since been changed. It's changed periodically.
Mr. Hubert.
Did you transfer him over to Glenn Duncan?
Mr. Mccurdy.
No; I didn't. As far as I know; I didn't.
Mr. Hubert.
Well, did you give him the number, the hot line number ?
Mr. Mccurdy.
To my knowlodge; I didn't.
Mr. Hubert.
You were aware that he did subsequently call Glenn? And I

think you introduced him to Glenn; didn't you?
Mr. Mccurdy.
As far as I know; I didn't.
Mr. Hubert.
Maybe it was Mr. Moore?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Well, now, Russ was a closer friend to Jack than I was.
Mr. Hubert.
We have fixed then the time that he called and spoke to you--what was that conversation about?
Mr. Mccurdy.
Well, Jack said he had some sandwiches and some cold drinks that he would like to bring up to the station, that he knew we were working hard, and under a lot of strain, and he wanted to bring us some refreshment up, and so he brought some up. 0h, my gosh, corn beef on rye and we had some
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