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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIV - Page 203« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of George Senator)

Mr. Hubert.
How long would it take?
Mr. Senator.
A matter of a minute or two.
Mr. Hubert.
In other words, he wouldn't brood over it. Having gotten mad at you he wouldn't be a brooder. He would change to another subject and be quite his normal self again?
Mr. Senator.
Yes. See I couldn't make this man wrong. I can't make him wrong, you know. I'm the wrong one. I refer to myself, mind you. Whatever it might be I can't be right.
Mr. Hubert.
That was the way he treated you?
Mr. Senator.
Mr. Griffin.
To stay in this same general area here, did you know Jack owned a pair of knuckles?
Mr. Senator.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you remember when he bought them?
Mr. Senator.
No; I would probably say that he probably had them before I was ever close to him. I am only guessing. I don't know.
Mr. Griffin.
How did you learn that he had them?
Mr. Senator.
I saw them in a cloth sack once. He carried them in a cloth sack.
Mr. Griffin.
Where did he keep that sack?
Mr. Senator.
No particular place. The one time I saw it, it was home.
Mr. Griffin.
Did he keep anything else in the sack?
Mr. Senator.
Of course, he had a gun which everybody knows. You see, Jack's bank account was his pockets, not the bank but his pockets. That is where his bank was. And he always carried various sums of money which could be $1,500, $2,000, $3,000, $4,000, whatever it might be, in all different pockets.
Mr. Hubert.
Now before we explore that area further, I want to get a few generalities concerning Jack. What were his drinking habits? You shake your head. What does that mean?
Mr. Senator.
He is not a drinker.
Mr. Hubert.
He didn't drink at all?
Mr. Senator.
Mr. Hubert.
He didn't drink at all, or very little?

Mr. SENATOR. I wouldn't say at all but I would probably say if he took a half dozen drinks a year he took a lot.
Mr. Hubert.
How about smoking?
Mr. Senator.
No smoking whatsoever.
Mr. Hubert.
What was his attitude toward women?
Mr. Senator.
Like any other man.
Mr. Hubert.
That is to say any other normal man?
Mr. Senator.
Any other normal man.
Mr. Hubert.
Have you ever observed any traits which suggested to you the possibility of homosexuality?
Mr. Senator.
Mr. Hubert.
On his part?
Mr. Senator.
Mr. Hubert.
Did he have any peculiar mannerisms which might have suggested such a thing to other people, even though it was not so?
Mr. Senator.
I never noticed it.
Mr. Hubert.
Did he lisp?
Mr. Senator.
Yes. So do I.
Mr. Hubert.
Jack has a lisp?
Mr. Senator.
He has a lisp. He has always had it to my knowledge.
Mr. Hubert.
In your opinion he was not homosexual at all?
Mr. Senator.
No. Just as normal as any human being.
Mr. Hubert.
He was single.
Mr. Senator.
He has got a brother older than he is and single, never been married, Hyman.
Mr. Hubert.
Did he have any girl friends?
Mr. Senator.
Yes; he went out with various girls.
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