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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XIII - Page 45« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of )

Mr. Mcmillon.
There was some more people down this line, I believe I talked to Miller--I don't know what we talked about--just prior to the shooting, I know that Watson was along there and "Blackie" Harrison. was along over this way.
Mr. Griffin.
This is the position, say, 10 minutes before Oswald was brought is that right, 5 or 10 minutes before? Mr. McMILLON. Yes.
Mr. Griffin.
All right. Did you see Rio Pierce or Sam Pierce's car pull out?.
Mr. Mcmillon.
Mr. Griffin.
And did you see anybody get out of the car?
Mr. Mcmillon.
Yes; seemed to me like a sergeant got out of that car.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you see anybody attempt to clear away the crowd?
Mr. Mcmillon.
I believe that is what this sergeant was doing.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, as you looked over there at the ear, how many lines deep, if there was more than one line, were the news people across the Main Street ramp?
Mr. Mcmillon.
I don't know. Those people were right along in this area along in here.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, you are indicating the area behind the railing----
Mr. Mcmillon.
Mr. Griffin.
Or just in front of it?
Mr. Mcmillon.
Part of them were behind this railing and some of them were over in here and along in here like that.
Mr. Griffin.
So most of the news people were strung out along the railing extending toward the armored car, is that right, or toward the Commerce Street ramp?
Mr. Mcmillon.
It seemed to me like that most of them was in an area something similar to this.
Mr. Griffin.
All right. You want to put some sort of a mark where they were?
Mr. Memillon.
It seemed to me like they were in there. Of course, there were some along in here. Of course, they weren't orderly.
Mr. Griffin.
As they never are. Would you write in there "News Media" or something to that effect? Okay. That has been marked "Press." Now, can you describe how thickly the people were congregated from the west wall of the Main Street ramp across?
Mr. Mcmillon.
This is the west wall?
Mr. Griffin.
Yes, sir; how thickly were they congregated across to the railing?
Mr. Mcmillon.
I don't know, but there were some officers lined up across this way to some point.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you remember where any of those officers were?
Mr. Mcmillon.
Yes; I think "Blackie" Harrison was along in here. I don't remember who else was along in here.
Mr. Griffin.
Would you put a mark where Harrison was?
Mr. Mcmillon.
Seems to me like he was along in here.
Mr. Griffin.
Would you put his name where Harrison was?
Mr. Mcmillon.
What did you say his initials are?
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Mcmillon.
W. J.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, you put an "X" there where you think Harrison was?
Mr. Mcmillon.
Yes. He was along in here. He was on out past this deal, past this.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you see him there, oh, 5 minutes before Oswald was brought down?
Mr. Mcmillon.
I don't recall. I am sure that he was.
Mr. Griffin.
Do you have any recollection as to whether or not he took up a position and generally held it in the same spot?
Mr. Mcmillon.
I am sure that he did because we had the line. It seemed to me like it was a pretty orderly line of officers, in other words, seemed to be pretty straight, in other words, this flank.
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