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(Testimony of Lt. Woodrow Wiggins)Lieutenant WIGGINS. Yes. Lieutenant WIGGINS. Most of the time. Sometimes I look at my watch, but most of the time I look at the clock. Lieutenant WIGGINS. No, sir; the time at 11:20 that I am speaking of, I remember I looked at the clock as they were coming out of the elevator. Lieutenant WIGGINS. Of course, that is only a matter of seconds. Lieutenant WIGGINS. As they came down, and as they came off the elevator Captain Fritz was the first man off, and he said, "Are they ready?" And I know that then I stepped out of the door, and I don't recall whether I ever answered him or not, but I stepped out into the corridor first. If I would have answered him I am sure I have---would have told him that it was ready, but I don't recall whether I did or didn't because I presumed they were ready, as everyone else did, and I know I stepped out into the corridor, to the left as you went out the door. I stepped to the left possibly 3 or 4 feet from the door, and they passed me then. Lieutenant WIGGINS. Yes, sir; they passed me with Oswald at that time, and had proceeded past me approximately 6 or 7 feet when the incident happened. Lieutenant WIGGINS. I heard the shot, and did see the gun, but at--but not at the time of the shooting. I saw the gun after the officers had grabbed it and had swarmed Jack Ruby. Lieutenant WIGGINS. I saw a man coming out. I had no idea who it was, but, I mean, it happened so quickly I caught it in the corner of my eye, and I saw him out of the corner, saw him coming out of the crowd, but I didn't know at that time who it was. Lieutenant WIGGINS. If you were familiar with that location I could tell you exactly. Lieutenant WIGGINS. Where my position was? Lieutenant WIGGINS. All right, sir. I had come out of this door and I had stepped to along here, Just about there [indicating]. Lieutenant WIGGINS. Okay. Lieutenant WIGGINS. That is prexactly (sic) correct. Lieutenant WIGGINS. The spot where he was? Lieutenant WIGGINS. When I saw him?
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