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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XII - Page 248« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of William J. Harrison)

Mr. Harrison.
At the time that 0'Dell's car came out, I was back here, in this position here, to help get these men out of the way of the car, and then it was shortly after that that I took up this position here.
Mr. Griffin.
I see. All right. Now, at the time that O'Dell's car came well, let's strike this. Prior to the time that O'Dell's car came out, were you ever in this area here?
Mr. Harrison.
Yes; I was moving from this area around to here.
Mr. Griffin.
All right.
Mr. Harrison.
In other words, keeping--
Mr. Griffin.
All right. Maybe we can do this sort of like a football diagram. Why don't you put your initials right there? And down here why don't you draw a circle and an "X" and just say, "Initial placement of Harrison"? Now, why don't you draw an arrow to the general direction of where you were and put a "1" and draw a circle around that, and then down in the corner, put a "1" and a circle and put, "Position when O'Dell's car started to move," if that is correct? Now, when O'Dell's car moved, were there police of-ricers between you and Main Street?
Mr. Harrison.
There was--I believe there was a captain--I don't recall who it was--I believe it was Captain Jones, though---talking to this uniformed reserve captain.
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Harrison.
No; Arnett.
Mr. Griffin.
Mr. Harrison.
In the Dallas reserves.
Mr. Griffin.
Were there any other police officers up in that general direction
Mr. Harrison.
There were officers out in this area right in here.
Mr. Griffin.
You are pointing to the area north of the entrance to the jail?
Mr. Harrison.
Well, no; right along the side here. See, this was lined with officers.
Mr. Griffin.
The first place that you indicate to is the south wall of the entranceway toward the jail office and up to the corner of the ramp and then along the ramp, the east wall of the ramp ?
Mr. Harrison.
West wall.
Mr. Griffin.
West wall of the ramp toward Commerce Street?
Mr. Harrison.
Mr. Griffin.
That is where there were police officers?
Mr. Harrison.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Griffin.
Okay. And also that there were police officers along the north wall of the entranceway leading toward the door of the jail office, officers right in there?
Mrs. Harrison.
Mr. Griffin.
All right. Now, as O'Dell's car moved up the ramp, what did you do ?
Mr. Harrison.
I just moved these men back and---or asked them to move back--and let him out.
Mr. Griffin.
Uh-huh. Now, did you watch his car go up the ramp?
Mr. Harrison.
No; I didn't.
Mr. Griffin.
Did you see what Jones and Arnett did ?
Mr. Harrison.
No; I didn't. Well, I know they moved back out of the way.
Mr. Griffin.
Were there news people strung across the Main Street ramp who had to be moved out of the way in order to let O'Dell's car move through?
Mr. Harrison.
Not at that time, not on O'Dell's car.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, what then happened? Where did you then go after O'Dell's car went up the ramp?
Mr. Harrison.
Back into my original area. It was about halfway between the ramp and--the rail and the west wall.
Mr. Griffin.
Were you looking around the area generally?
Mr. Harrison.
Mr. Griffin.
Now, if anybody had come down the Main Street ramp while you were standing there up until the time that Pierce's car went out, would you have seen him come down ?
Mr. Harrison.
Would you repeat that, now?
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