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(Testimony of Capt. Cecil E. Talbert)This second platoon, the day platoon, works primarily one-man squads, and our two-man squads are trainee squads. The trainees work with an older officer and create a two-man squad there. Could you leave this off just a moment? That is something Captain TALBERT. I further told Lieutenant Pierce to have the basement cleared of all personnel. Have them searched. Thorough search, and secure it, letting only the authorized news media and police officers into the basement. Captain TALBERT. The basement area that Captain TALBERT. Using their press identification. Captain TALBERT. That is the-general order, 81, I believe that is the number of it. I don't know whether you want to include that in here or not. I believe general order 81, is that we would utilize this is a long-standing--that we will utilize the normal press identification to permit news media into scenes of incident areas. The amateurs, bystanders, were kept out because they don't have those identification--- Captain TALBERT. They scrutinize it. No, sir; each could utilize these different types, but you have to scrutinize their identification. Captain TALBERT. I utilized it. Captain TALBERT. It had not been revoked. Captain TALBERT. Yes, sir. Captain TALBERT. Yes, sir. Captain TALBERT. The basement--I am using a very loose term in "basement," I meant, and did convey to Lieutenant Pierce, "the area," in which Oswald would be----if he was transferred, and I used that term, "if he was transferred," I didn't know that he would be. Although, our basement was becoming cluttered with newsmen at that time. Captain TALBERT. At that time; no, sir. Captain TALBERT But, of my own knowledge that is the only way he could be removed to a car unless he went through another floor and out on the street. That is the way you go in the normal police building area.
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