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(Testimony of Capt. Cecil E. Talbert)Captain TALBERT. Yes, sir. Captain TALBERT. Lieutenant Pierce gave the assignment to Sergeant Dean, and in turn to Sergeant Putnam to carry out, and in various stages of the searching of the basement I think he checked it himself, at approximately 10 o'clock, and I gave, by the way, the initial instructions to bring those squads in. I told them to disperse their cars, park them on the street, but disperse them. Not have them grouped up, and to report to my office by at least 9:30, and he did have that accomplished, and he gave the instructions to clear the area and search it to Sergeant Dean, who got Sergeant Putnam to assist him in it. About 10 o'clock, I went down to check and see how he had progressed at that time. They had checked the news media, they were set up in the jail office. The jail office proper. They had cameramen, cameras, reporters on top of the booking desk, on top of everything available. The news media was taking over the jail office rather heavily, and insisted the chief had given them permission to do so. That was about 10. I went into the basement area and Sergeant Putnam gave me a lengthy rundown, step by step, on what he had done, or had done see what I mean about my English ?--and had accomplished in clearing that area, and I personally checked all the doors to the several rooms that led from the parking area to see that they were locked. Mr, HUBERT. Can you specify for the record what doors you did check? Captain TALBERT. Starting in around on the side of the ramp, janitor's room. Could you hold it a minute and let me see if I can identify it? Captain TALBERT. Shall we just say "checked the painters' room"? personal check of what is shown on this Exhibit 5070, as the parking area? Captain TALBERT. Yes, sir. Captain TALBERT. Right about here, to here [indicating]. Captain TALBERT. Well, that's--- Captain TALBERT. I checked the door No. "1", which is the painters' room to see that it was properly locked. I proceeded to the doctor's room, and I checked it. Captain TALBERT. That is "2." Captain TALBERT. I asked what has been done about the doctor's services. Sergeant Putnam told me he had moved that doctor out of that room and into the police locker room.
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