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(Affidavit of Robert L. Adams)
appearing under the column headed "Remarks" is my recording of the fact that I referred Oswald directly to the employer on this order.
(c) On October 15, 1963, I was advised by Mr. Roy of Trans Texas Airways that the company was contemplating expansion and that he would need possibly as many as twelve or fourteen ramp agents, as they are called by the airlines industry; we call them baggage or cargo handlers. He advised me of the minimum qualifications and asked me to send out job applicants who met them. He advised that the salary was $310 per month and that the employment was permanent. Oswald was one of the possible applicants whom I referred for interview on this order. My best recollection is that on that day I called the BL3-1628 Irving, Texas, telephone number listed on the face of Cunningham Exhibit 1-A. I learned from the person who answered the phone that Oswald was not there. I left a message with that person that Oswald should contact me at the Commission. My further recollection is that the following morning at 10:30 o'clock I again called the BL3-1628 Irving, Texas, number and learned from the person who answered that Oswald was not there and that he had in the meantime obtained employment and was working. I thereupon made the entry, appearing in the column headed "Remarks," which reads: "Working 10:30 A 10-16 RLA," in order to record the information I had received as a result of my telephone call. On the following day, October 17, 1963, I "green dated" the face of Cunningham Exhibit 1-A. This means, as appears from the face of Cunningham Exhibit I-A, that I entered in green crayon the date October 17, 1963, which is our way of recording the fact that the applicant is no longer available for employment, The initials "NR" appearing under the column headed "Results." mean "Non-report" or, in other words, that the man referred on the job application did not report. I included that designation under the column headed "Results" as a result of the information I received when I made the foregoing telephone call at 10:30 in the morning of October 16, 1963. Inasmuch as I did not talk with Oswald either by telephone or in person in connection with this job order, I do not know whether he was ever advised of this referral, but under the circumstances I do not see how he could have been. Signed this 4th day of August 1964. (S) Robert L Adams, ROBERT L. ADAMS. ------------------ Ivan D. Lee Affidavit of Ivan D. LeeThe following affidavit was executed by Ivan D. Lee on June 1, 1964. PRESIDENT'S COMMISSIONON THE ASSASSINATION OF AFFIDAVIT PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY STATE OF TEXAS, County of Dallas, ss: I, Ivan D. Lee, being duly sworn, depose as follows: In my performance of duties as a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, I was assigned to take photographs of the rear of Major Edwin A. Walker's residence at 4011 Turtle Creek Boulevard, Dallas, Texas. On February 1, 1964, accompanied by Special Agent W. James Wood, I proceeded to the alley area located behind the residence of Major General Walker and took photographs from an automobile of the Federal Bureau of Investigation proceeding slowly through the alleyway. These photographs were taken at ap proximately 10:00 a.m. on February 1, 1964. At approximately 10:30 a.m., I returned to the area on foot and took two photographs, looking south by southwest down the alleyway behind Major General Walker's residence toward Avondale Street, Dallas. After returning to the Bureau automobile, we proceeded through the alley once again at approximately 10:45 a.m. and took another photograph of the rear of the residence of Major General Edwin A. Walker. At approximately 11:15 a.m. another trip was made through the
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