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(Affidavit of Ivan D. Lee)
alley and another photograph was taken of the rear of the residence of Major General Edwin A. Walker.
Photographs numbered on the back as DL 36* depict rear views of the residence of Major General Edwin A. Walker, and is the same residence as depicted in Commission exhibit number 5 and marked as FBI inventory number 369. Photographs numbered as DL 35** depict the alleyway looking south by southwest from the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints parking lot which is located adjacent to and north of the property of Major General Edwin A. Walker. In the left hand side of the photographs of the alleyway, a driveway is noted, which is the driveway leading to the back of Major General Edwin A. Walker's residence. I used a Federal Bureau of Investigation owned 35 millimeter Robot camera in taking the above photographs. Signed this 1st day of June 1964, at Dallas, Tex. (S) Ivan D. Lee, IVAN D. LEE -------------------- James D. Crowley Affidavit of James D. CrowleyThe following affidavit was executed by James D. Crowley on June 12, 1964. PRESIDENT'S COMMISSIONON THE ASSASSINATION OF AFFIDAVIT PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, ss: James D. Crowley, being duly sworn, deposes and says: On August 13, 1961, he was duly appointed an officer in the Department of State, as a specialist in intelligence matters; that he has continued to serve in that capacity since that time, and that he has personal knowledge of the matters related in this affidavit: 1. I am one of the officers in the Department of State responsible for disseminating throughout the Department various reports, memoranda and documents which are received from other United States Government agencies. 2. The first time I remember learning of Oswald's existence was when I received copies of a telegraphic message, dated October 10, 1963, from the Central Intelligence Agency, which contained information pertaining to his current activities. I requested that a search of the Office of Security records be made on October 11, 1963, to determine if the Department had received any information previously. Based on a quick review of the Office of Security file on Oswald, I disseminated copies of the Central Intelligence Agency message to the various offices within the Department which were interested in receiving this type of material. 3. I also briefly reviewed Oswald's Office of Security file on November 14, 1963. Although I am not certain, I believe the impetus for this review was either my receipt of a Federal Bureau of Investigation report dated October 31, 1963 on Lee Harvey Oswald or my receipt of a Federal Bureau of Investigation report dated October 25, 1963 on the Fair Play for Cuba Committee New Orleans Division. Both of these reports were received in the Intelligence Processing Section on November 8, 1963. 4. In both instances, I reviewed the Office of Security file in a routine manner and had it returned to the Office of Security File Room the same day in which it was charged to me. Signed this 12th day of June 1964. (S) James D. Crowley, JAMES D. CROWLEY. *This photograph was labeled Ivan Lee Exhibit A. **This photograph was labeled Ivan Lee Exhibit B.
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