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(Affidavit of Gene Graves)Robert L. Adams Affidavit of Robert L. AdamsThe following affidavit was executed by Robert L. Adams on August 4, 1964. PRESIDENT'S COMMISSIONON THE ASSASSINATION OF AFFIDAVIT PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY STATE OF TEXAS, County of Dallas, ss: I, Robert L. Adams, being duly sworn, say: 1. I am now, and during all of the year 1963 was an employee of the Texas Employment Commission as an employment interviewer. As appears from my deposition, I had occasion, during the month of October, 1963, to refer Lee Harvey Oswald to several employment opportunities that had come to the attention of the Texas Employment Commission. 2. I am familiar with the official books and records of the Texas Employment Commission maintained at its Dallas, Texas, office. Cunningham Exhibit 1-A is the original of the Texas Employment Commission employment, application, counseling, and referral card or record, familiarly known as an "E-13," respecting Lee Harvey Oswald. It was prepared and maintained in the usual course of the business and services rendered by the Texas Employment Commission. The entries thereon are true and correct. 3. Cunningham Exhibit 1-A is a single-fold card. The last three lines of entries on the lower portion of the inside (when folded) of Cunningham Exhibit 1-A are in my hand. All of those entries were made by me. 4. At the time that my deposition was taken, I did not have before me either Cunningham Exhibit 1-A or a copy or duplicate thereof. However, since that time I have had an opportunity to examine Cunningham Exhibit 1-A. This has served to refresh my recollection of my contacts with Lee Harvey Oswald and the job employment opportunity references which I made for him on October 7, 9, and 15, 1963. 5. As appears from the last three sets of entries in my hand on the lower portion of the inside pages of Cunningham Exhibit 1-A: (a) On October 7, 1963, the Texas Employment Commission had on hand an order from the Solid State Electronics Company of Texas for a sales clerk at an indicated compensation of $350 per month, for permanent employment, for which they desire
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