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(Affidavit of Theodore Frank Gangl)
1. That I am Plant Superintendent for the Padgett Printing Corporation, 1313 North Industrial, Dallas, Texas.
2. On October 4, 1963, I interviewed Lee Harvey Oswald, who had applied for employment in response to an advertisement the Padgett Printing Corporation placed in the local newspaper. We were seeking a typesetter in the composing room. 3. Oswald was well dressed and neat. He made a favorable impression on the foreman of the department to whom I introduced Oswald. Since Oswald had worked in a trade plant I was interested in him as a possible employee. 4. Oswald filled out the application. Padgett Printing Corporation Exhibit No. 1 is a photostatic copy of the original application which was filled in during the course of my interview with Oswald. The original application was prepared and maintained among the records of Padgett Printing Corporation in the usual and regular course of its business. The exhibit is a copy of the application as it was when it was completed by me on or about October 4, 1963. It is entirely in Oswald's handwriting except for my initials in the blank, "Interviewed by", the date, the word "over", and the handwriting on the reverse side, all of which are in my handwriting. 5. Oswald said he could be reached at the Irving, Texas, phone number he listed on the application, and he suggested particular periods of the week he would most likely be available to respond to a telephone call. 6. Shortly after the interview, I called Mr. Stovall at Jaggers-Chiles-Stovall, where Oswald had previously worked. Mr. Stovall was not there, so I spoke with somebody who had worked with Oswald there. He implied that Oswald's fellow employees did not like him because he was propagandizing and had been seen reading a foreign newspaper. 7. I later talked with Mr. Robert Stovall, who is a friend of mine, and he said Oswald could not get along there and he could not adapt himself to the type of work assigned to him. 8. As a result of this conversation I wrote the comments that appear on the back of the application and decided that we would not hire him. 9. I called Oswald at the Irving, Texas, telephone number he had written on the application and told him that we had hired somebody with better qualifications. Signed this 16th day of June 1964. (S) Theo. F. Gangl, THEODORE F. GANGL. ------------ Gene Graves Affidavit of Gene GravesThe following affidavit was executed by Gene Graves on June 16, 1964. PRESIDENT'S COMMISSIONON THE ASSASSINATION OF AFFIDAVIT PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY STATE OF TEXAS, County of Tarrent, ss: My name is Gene Graves and I am employed as a secretary with the Leslie Welding Co., Inc. 200 E-North Vacek, Fort Worth, Tex. I certify that the attached copies** of time cards of Lee Harvey Oswald are true and correct. Signed this 16th day of June 1964. ( S ) Gene Graves, GENE GRAVES. ------------------- *Padgett Printing Corp. Exhibit No. I was subsequently relabeled Gangl Exhibit No. 1. **These attachments were subsequently relabeled Graves Exhibit No. 1.
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