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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. XI - Page 344« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Evaristo Rodriguez)

Mr. Liebeler.
When did you first think that the man you saw in the bar, as you have told us, was Oswald?
Mr. Logan.
I am going to have to break this down for him.
Mr. Liebeler.
What did he say so far?
Mr. Logan.
He is answering an entirely different question, something about Bringuier.
Mr. Liebeler.
I think we should put this on the record.
Mr. Logan.
Let ,he find out if he understood the question first because the thing is, I think he has got something else in mind.
Mr. Liebeler.
Yes; that is the problem.
Mr. Logan.
I will get that out of him, too, the part you want.
(Discussion between witness and interpreter.)
Mr. Logan.
No, no. He doesn't get the message, and I am sure I am saying it plain enough.
Mr. Liebeler.
When did you first become aware of the name of this man?
Mr. Rodriguez.
The first time that I knew that the man in the bar was Oswald was--the first time that I realized that the man in the bar was Oswald was after President Kennedy had been assassinated and I saw Oswald's picture in the paper with his name and so forth, and that's how I first became aware or first came to realize that the man who had been in the bar with the Latin-appearing man was the same person as Oswald.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you discuss this with Orest Pena after you became aware that the man in the bar was the same man as .the man whom we think shot President Kennedy? And specifically, I want to ask you if Orest Pena recognized Oswald's picture independently from you or if he only became aware that it was Oswald that was in the bar after you called it to his attention.
Mr. Logan.
All right. I will ask him the first one and then I will ask him the second one.
Mr. Rodriguez.
The first question is that I actually heard the news of the President's death on the radio, and they still hadn't given out the name of the assassin, who they thought it was. So later on when it came out in the newspaper, I saw the picture in the newspaper of Oswald, and then I pointed out to Orest that this was the fellow who was in the bar and had the argument about the lemonade or about the tequila, rather, and not in the bar at the time because the other fellow argued about the tequila.
Mr. Logan.
Now what was that number two again?
Mr. Liebeler.
Did Orest mention it to you first by himself? Did he know that that man had been in the bar, or did he only come to think that after you .had pointed out to him it was the same man that you thought had bought the lemonade?
Mr. Rodriguez.
No; Orest had never seen this man whose picture was in the paper that I recognized as being the man in the bar and who the paper described as Lee Harvey Oswald.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you ever tell Bringuier that the man that was in the bar with Oswald was being sought by the FBI, being looked for by the FBI?
Mr. Rodriguez.
I told Bringuier that Oswald had been in the bar. This is after, of course, I discovered that it was Oswald. But I don't remember ever telling Bringuier that the FBI was looking for these people or either one of them.
Mr. Liebeler.
So to the best of your recollection, you did not tell Bringuier that the FBI was looking for this man that was with Oswald?
Mr. Rodriguez.
I never told Bringuier that the FBI was looking for the man that was with Oswald. I only mentioned to Bringuier that Oswald was the same one that had been in there that had been drinking lemonade in that bar previously.
Mr. Liebeler.
Am I correct in Saying .that the only -times that you have been in New Orleans are, one, the period of time beginning in January of 1963 to the present time, and once before at one prior time, the exact date of which I do not recall, but you tell me. Those two times. Are there any other times you have been in New Orleans? Let me rephrase the question: You came to New Orleans in January of 1963 and have been here ever since, and you were in New Orleans at least once prior to that time. Tell me when that was.
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