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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. X - Page 279« Previous | Next »

(Affidavit of Jesse J. Garner)

Mr. Jenner.
reverse side on this form I have 'described under "date due,'' appears 9-10-58. I take it that is a date meaning September 10, 1958?
Mr. Hulen.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
In the next column which is headed "Amount," there appears $65. Then, under "Payments," that column is split in two--the left hand one reads and is headed by the word "Date," and the entry there is 9-2. I assume that is September 2, but no year, and then under the column headed, "Amount," appears $30. Would you explain that type entry?
Mr. Hulen.
Well, at the time, in 1958, our membership fee for the special health club membership was $67, and there is a $2 cash saving if a member pays cash, which would indicate that that's where we get our amount $65, and to receive benefit of the cash payment, that is, the interest or penalty, it is supposed to be paid in 30 days, but apparently this wasn't paid in 30 days, but he still received benefit of cash payment.
Mr. Jenner.
Does that form indicate that the health fee was paid?
Mr. Hulen.
Oh yes; indeed.
Mr. Jenner.
It was paid--on what date?
Mr. Hulen.
It was 11-12-62, the last payment. The first payment was made on 9-10-58, wait a minute, I am wrong. It was then when he joined, the first payment was 9-20. In other words, that 9-10 was their billing date and he joined on 9-2 and they billed him on 9-10, and his second payment which was supposed to have been paid in 30 days was paid on 11-12-58. I'm sorry, but I'm not too familiar with this. I'm just groping here myself. This is handled in another office. You will notice that the date due here was 9-10-59, again, you see, and this will denote what happened and his next is---there are several periods that he wasn't active, as you will notice there.
Mr. Jenner.
Yes; I noticed it. Now, it would appear that the first two columns, the date due and amount represent entries of sums to be paid?
Mr. Hulen.
Mr. Jenner.
And the second set of columns under the heading "Payments," indicates payments that were made?
Mr. Hulen.
That's correct.
Mr. Jenner.
Now, as to this initial fee, it was due on the 10th of September 1958, in the amount of $65, and then in the next two columns that he paid on September 2, $30, and he paid on November 12, $35 or a total then by that time of $65, that had been billed or was to have been paid by September 10?
Mr. Hulen.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
He actually completed his payment on November 12?
Mr. Hulen.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner.
Then, the next entry appears to be one of $65 for the following year, that is for 1959, due on November 1, 1959, and then there is an entry under the "Payments," column of the receipt of $65, on the 22d of October, that is, there was a prepayment there in 1959.
Then, for 1962, the "Due Date," was April 20, 1962--$74. Apparently your fee went up?
Mr. Hulen.
Yes; it did.
Mr. Jenner.
And there are entries of two payments, one a $25 on the 18th of April 1962, and the second of $49, on the 3d of August 1962, so he was then paid up?
Mr. Hulen.
Mr. Jenner.
And for 1963, there is an entry of a payment due on the 1st of June 1963, of $30 and there is an entry of apparently a prepayment on the 23d of May 1963, of $60.
What does that indicate, that is, here for 1962, he was a $74 member and in 1963, he appears to be only a $30 member?
Mr. Hulen.
Oh, I've got it now. If a person for some reason cannot take out the yearly membership and he has been a member in the past, we would let him have a 3-month membership which would explain the $30. At that date he was on the 3-month membership.
Mr. Jenner.
I see.
Mr. Hulen.
A short-term membership, we call it.
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