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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. X - Page 255« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of M. F. , Sr. Tobias)

Mr. Jenner.
Well, let's put an "N" there for north and put an "S" up there for south and then over this way is to the east.
Mr. Tobias.
And this is west.
Mr. Jenner.
And if that is west, then this must be south and this must be north.
Mr. Tobias.
This is just exactly the way the apartment sets; this is west here.
Mr. Jenner.
Put a "W" there and put an "E" up at the top for east.
Mr. Tobias.
I get confused with this direction myself here.
Mr. Jenner.
Calling your attention to the rear entrance, from the parkway, the driveway, what is there to the north of that, another building?
Mr. Tobias.
There is a house here.
Mr. Jenner.
A single-family dwelling?
Mr. Tobias.
Yes; an old lady 80 yearn old lives there.
Mr. Jenner.
And is that all open except for that house?
Mr. Tobias.
That's right. This is a regular driveway. We have our driveway here and she has her driveway too, you see.
Mr. Jenner.
All right; put another driveway in there. I'm going to mark that second driveway, if I might. [Counsel Jenner marked the instruments as state.] There is a single family dwelling, then?
Mr. Tobias.
She keeps--this old lady there keeps roomers.
Mr. Jenner.
She does?
Mr. Tobias.
What I mean, she just has just a room.
Mr. Jenner.
Is that house about in here?
Mr. Tobias.
Yes; that would be on the other side of the driveway here.
Mr. Jenner.
The other side of where I have marked this second driveway?
Mr. Tobias.
Yes;facing Elsbeth.
Mr. Jenner.
What is the open space, say, between your building line and the single family dwelling?
Mr. Tobias.
Oh, that must be--that can't be more than 25 feet because there are 2 driveways there.
Mr. Jenner.
Could a man dry sighting a weapon, holding a rifle outside that rear entrance, do so without being detected and without people noticing it?
Mr. Tobias.
Well, you've got the streets on Elsbeth and people in that house might see it, because her roomers are right the, are by that door.
Mr. Jenner.
Now, people who are passing by or looking out of your window or looking out from this rooming house could see that?
Mr. Tobias.
Mr. Jenner.
Did anybody ever say anything to you about Oswald having a weapon?
Mr. Tobias.
Mr. Jenner.
A firearm?
Mr. Tobias.
Mr. Jenner.
Using it--sighting it?
Mr. Tobias.
Mr. Jenner.
Was there ever an occasion when you noticed that there had been brought near the premises or on it or in his possession a package?
Mr. Tobias.
No; I never did see it because he always used his back door and I was over on the other side.
Mr. Jenner.
If you will pardon me---a package that to you you would recognize as a rifle?
Mr. Tobias.
Mr. Jenner.
That possibly was a rifle?
Mr. Tobias.
Mr. Jenner.
Or, a bunch of curtain rods or window shades or something of that nature?
Mr. Tobias.
No. No; I've never seen nothing like that. I don't even remember the parcel post man ever leaving anything there a package or anything. I never was in his apartment but twice, I don't think, while he lived there. I went in there with the exterminators twice, Once a month, and we exterminated the place for cockroaches, that's one thing we don't like around here, and, of course, I had to get her permission to go in there.
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