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CE 1501 - CE 2000
CE 1751 - CE 1800
CE 1751 FBI interview, William Harris by SA Neil Quigley, December 6, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 p. 361 *
CE 1752 FBI interview with Robert Lawrence by SAs Fran-cis Schmidt and Joseph Murray, November 26, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 p. 362 *
CE 1753 SS report, November 29, 1963, concerning alleged activities of Ruby
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 362-363 *
CE 1754 FBI report dealing with illegal gambling and admittedly having nothing to do with the Warren Commission's functions
WCH Vol. 23 p. 364 *
CE 1755 FBI interview, Isadore Miller by SA Paul Scott, January 22, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 364 *
CE 1756 FBI interview with James Barragan by SA Edward Mabey, December l7, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 p. 365 *
CE 1757 FBI interview with Gladwin Hill by SAs Chester St. Vincent and John Alston, December 3, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 365-366 *
CE 1758 FBI interview, Dean Jennings by SA Ewing Rauch, November 25, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 p. 367 *
CE 1759 letter, James Donnell to Warren Commission, August l8, 1964, con-cerning bank account of Eva Grant/Jack Ruby
WCH Vol. 23 p. 368 *
CE 1760 snippet of FBI document listing Dallas strip joints
WCH Vol. 23 p. 368 *
CE 1761 portion of FBI interview with Eileen Curry
WCH Vol. 23 p. 369 *
CE 1762 FBI interview with Eileen Curry by SAs Charles Brunner and Dennis Shanahan, June 9, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 370-372 *
CE 1763 FBI interview with Jack Hardee by SAs James Day and Stanley Orenstein, December 24, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 372-373 *
CE 1764 FBI report of hearsay, August ll, 1953, in which Ruby indicated he was a tough guy
WCH Vol. 23 p. 374 *
CE 1765 FBI interview with Joseph Glaser by SA Edward Lenehan, December 3, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 374-375 *
CE 1766 FBI interview with Jack Marcus by SAs Raymond Stoelting and Lester Esarey, April l4, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 375-376 *
CE 1767 FBI interview with Jay Bishov by SAs Raymond Stoelting and Lester Esarey, April l5, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 376 *
CE 1768 FBI interview with Sherwin Braun by SAs Raymond Stoelting and Lester Esarey, April l5, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 377 *
CE 1769 FBI report by investigative clerk Richard Allen, April l4, 1964, concerning INS records on Ruby and others
WCH Vol. 23 p. 377 *
CE 1770 FBI interview with Mrs. Manuel Quevedo by SA Robert Lewis, April l6, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 378 *
CE 1771 FBI interview, Louis Pollack by SA Robert Lewis, April l6, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 378 *
CE 1772 FBI interview with Jack Marcus by SAs Lansing Logan and Daniel Blake, November 24, 1963, and FBI interview with Phyllis Ruby by SA Albert Sayers, Deember 5, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 379-380 *
CE 1773 FBI interview with Sherwin Braun by SA Daniel Blake, November 25, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 p. 38 *
CE 1774 FBI interview, Jay Bishov by SA Daniel Blake, November 25, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 p. 381 *
CE 1775 FBI report by SA Kenneth Haser, November 25, 1963, concerning records of Ruby and Lee Oswald with the Passport Office
WCH Vol. 23 p. 382 *
CE 1776 immigrant visa, May 24, 1962, for Marina Oswald
WCH Vol. 23 p. 382 *
CE 1777 letter, Robert Robinson, INS, to Michael Cieplinski, Department of State, May 9, 1962, concerning Marina Oswald
WCH Vol. 23 p. 383 *
CE 1778 FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SA James Bookhout, November 22, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 383-384 *
CE 1779 FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SAs Bardwell Odum and Robert Anderson, November 23, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 p. 384 *
CE 1780 FBI interview, Marina Oswald by SAs Charles Brown and James Hosty, November 27, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 385-386 *
CE 1781 FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SAs Wallace Heitman and Anatole Boguslav, November 28, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 386-389 *
CE 1782 FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SAs Wallace Heitman and Anatole Bo-guslav, November 29, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 389-390 *
CE 1783 FBI report by SA William Patterson, November 25, 1963, summarizing the reporting agent's bias
WCH Vol. 23 p. 390 *
CE 1784 FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SAs Wallace Heitman and Anatole Boguslav, December 3, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 391-392 *
CE 1785 SS report, December 5, 1963, concerning Marina Oswald
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 392-394 *
CE 1786 SS report, December 3, 1963, concerning statement by Marina Oswald regarding her life with Lee Oswald and highlighting the note he left believed to implicate him in the Walker shooting
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 394-397 *
CE 1787 SS report, December 3, 1963, concerning Marina and Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 398-399 *
CE 1788 FBI report concerning the discovery and subsequent pedigree of the photo showing Lee Oswald with two weapons and two publications
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 400-401 *
CE 1789 SS report, December l0, 1963, concerning additional information about Marina Oswald
WCH Vol. 23 p. 402 *
CE 1790 SS report, Deember 6, 1963, concerning data given by Marina Oswald regarding Lee Oswald's need to use public transit
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 403-404 *
CE 1791 SS interview with Marina Oswald by SA Leon Gopadze, November 29, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 404-405 *
CE 1792 SS report of interview with Marina Oswald by SA Leon Gopadze, November 26-28, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 405-409 *
CE 1793 SS report, November 22-29, 1963, stressing FBI-Secret Service cooperation in interviewing Marina Oswald
WCH Vol. 23 p. 410 *
CE 1794 FBI interview with Marina Oswald by SAs Wallace Heitman and Anatole Boguslav, November 30, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 411-413 *
CE 1795 FBI reports by SAs Vincent Drain, Robert Lish, and Raymond Yelchak, February l9-25, 1964, concerning the possible presence in Dallas of Richard Nixon at a time Lee Oswald was believed to have threatened him
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 414-416 *
CE 1796 photo of Lee Oswald in Dallas Police custody
WCH Vol. 23 p. 417 *
WCH Vol. 15 pp. 694-695
CE 1797 photo of Lee Oswald in Dallas Police custody
WCH Vol. 23 p. 417 *
WCH Vol. 15 pp. 694-695
CE 1798 SS report concerning $180.00 left in wallet by Lee Oswald at Ruth Paine's house
WCH Vol. 23 p. 418 *
CE 1799 memo, »Assistance Rendered by the Postal Inspection Service in Investigation of President Kennedy's Assassination«
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 419-421 *
CE 1800 photo of Lee Oswald in Minsk
WCH Vol. 23 p. 421 *

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