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CE 1501 - CE 2000
CE 1851 - CE 1900
CE 1851 Lee Oswald's time sheets from Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, November l-30, 1962
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 536-549 *
CE 1852 Lee Oswald's time sheets from Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, December l-3l, 1962
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 550-564 *
CE 1853 Lee Oswald's time sheets from Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, January 2-3l, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 565-581 *
CE 1854 Lee Oswald's time sheets from Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, February l-28, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 582-598 *
CE 1855 Lee Oswald's time sheets from Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, March l-30, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 599-620 *
CE 1856 Lee Oswald's time sheets from Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, April l-6, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 621-625 *
CE 1857 FBI interview with Gali Clark by SAs Earle Haley and Robley Madland, January l3, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 626 *
CE 1858 FBI interview with Tatiana Biggers by SA William Schmidt, December l8, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 p. 627 *
CE 1859 FBI interview with Natalie Ray by SA Del Drake, December l9, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 628-630 *
CE 1860 FBI interview with Charles Harris by SA Harold Fabritz, December 5, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 630-631 *
CE 1861 FBI interview with Charles Harris by SA Harold Fabritz, December 5, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 631-632 *
CE 1862 FBI interview with Yaeko Okui
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 633-635 *
CE 1863 FBI interview with Michio Kushi, May l2, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 635-636 *
CE 1864 FBI report regarding Yaeko Okui
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 636-639 *
CE 1865 Dallas Police interview of Lev Aronson, February l7, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 639 *
CE 1866 FBI interview with Yaeko Okui by SA Eugene Petrakis and Raymond Switzer, May 5, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 640-641 *
CE 1867 FBI interview of Gerardo Weinstein by SAs Eugene Petrakis and Raymond Switzer, May l8, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 642 *
CE 1868 FBI interview with George Perutz by SAs Eugene Petrakis and Raymond Switzer, May l8, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 643 *
CE 1869 FBI interview with Mrs. Sidney Perutz by SAs Eugene Petrakis and Raymond Switzer, May l9, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 644 *
CE 1870 FBI interview with Michio Kushi by SA James Ingram, May l2, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 645 *
CE 1871 SS report of locations of Lee Oswald's other job offers
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 646-647 *
CE 1872 FBI interview with Eva Grant by SA Jack Peden and Gaston Thompson, November 25, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 648-650 *
CE 1873 letter containing public school records of Lee Oswald and Ft. Worth Police Department data, January 24 and February 3, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 651-653 *
CE 1873A letter containing public school records of Lee Oswald and Fort Worth Police Deartment. data, January 24 and February 3, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 654-655 *
CE 1873B Lee Oswald first grade data
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 655-656 *
CE 1873C Lee Oswald second grade data
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 656-657 *
CE1873D Lee Oswald third grade data
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 657-658 *
CE 1873E Lee Oswald fourth grade data
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 658-661 *
CE 1873F Lee Oswald fifth grade data
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 662-664 *
CE 1873G Lee Oswald sixth grade data
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 665-667 *
CE 1873H Lee Oswald certificate of high school credit and school transfer data
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 668-669 *
CE 1873I Lee Oswald's Ft. Worth school registration
WCH Vol. 23 p. 670 *
CE 1873J copy of Lee Oswald's Ft. Worth high school classification card
WCH Vol. 23 p. 671 *
CE 1873K Lee Oswald's permanent high school record
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 672-673 *
CE 1873L Lee Oswald's cumulative record in Ft. Worth public schools and a list of those schools
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 674-675 *
CE 1873M Ft. Worth police data sheet, January 24, 1964, regarding files on Lee Oswald
WCH Vol. 23 p. 675 *
CE 1873N copy of registration card for Lee Oswald's night school classes, January 28, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 p. 676 *
CE 1873O Ft. Worth police data sheet, February 3, 1964, concerning divorce of Marguerite Oswald from Edwin Ekdahl in l948
WCH Vol. 23 p. 677 *
CE 1874 FBI report, April 3, 1964, concerning people who knew Lee Oswald in nursery school between l944-l945
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 677-680 *
CE 1875 FBI interview with Ruth Paine by SAs Bardwell Odum and J. Doyle Williams, May l, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 681 *
CE 1876 FBI report concerning the accuracy of the Walker property photos
WCH Vol. 23 p. 682 *
CE 1877 FBI interview, Ben Passmore by SA Emory Horton, May 20, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 683 *
CE 1878 FBI interview, Joe Grinnan by SAs W. Brown and Edwin Kuykendall, April 20, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 684 *
CE 1879 FBI interview with Joe Grinnan by SA W. Brown, April 22, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 685 *
CE 1880 FBI interview with Joe Grinnan by SA W. Brown, April 23, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 685 *
CE 1881 FBI interview with Joe Grinnan by SA W. Brown, April 24, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 686 *
CE 1882 FBI report entitled, »Lee Harvey Oswald«, April 24, 1964, concerning the critical advertisement that appeared in the Dallas Morning News
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 686-688 *
CE 1883 FBI interview with Harvey R. »Bum« Bright by SAs W. Brown and Edwin Kuykendall, May l5, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 688-689 *
CE 1884 FBI interview, Edgar Crissey by SAs W. Brown and Edwin Kuykendall, May l5, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 689-690 *
CE 1885 FBI interview, Nelson Bunker Hunt by SAs W. Brown and Edwin Kuykendall, May l5, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 690-691 *
CE 1886 FBI interview, S. L. Malone by SA Emory Horton, March l8, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 691-692 *
CE 1887 FBI interview, O. V. Campbell by SA Emory Horton, March l8, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 692 *
CE 1888 FBI interview with Peter Paul Gregory by SAs Earle Haley and Robley Madland, May l3, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 693 *
CE 1889 FBI interview with Max Clark by SAs Earle Haley and Robley Madland, May l3, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 693 *
CE 1890 FBI interview with Arliss Nixon by SAs Earle Haley and Robley Madland, May l3, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 694 *
CE 1891 FBI interview with Virginia Hale by SAs Earle Haley and Robley Madland, May l3, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 694 *
CE 1892 FBI interview with Mrs. Annie Smith by SAs Earle Haley and Robley Madland, May l3, 1964
WCH Vol. 23 p. 695 *
CE 1893 FBI interview, Lynn Cobena by SA Theodore Viater, November 26, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 p. 696 *
CE 1894 FBI interview with William Monaghan by SA Lester Davis, November 23, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 696-697 *
CE 1895 letter, FBI to Warren Commission, June l8, 1964, concerning Texas Employment Commission
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 698-699 *
CE 1896 FBI interview with William Monaghan by SAs Lester Davis and John Miller, November 25, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 700-701 *
CE 1897 FBI interview with Charles LeBlanc by SA Lester Davis, November 23, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 701-702 *
CE 1898 FBI interview, Arturo Rodriguez by SAs Joseph Fleming and Myrywin Alderson, November 23, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 702-703 *
CE 1899 FBI interview with John C. Clark by SAs Lester Davis and John Miller, November 25, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 pp. 703-704 *
CE 1900 FBI interview with Rose Schambra by SAs Lester Davis and John Miller, November 25, 1963
WCH Vol. 23 p. 704 *

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