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(Testimony of Lyndal L. Shaneyfelt)The Commission has forwarded to the FBI two photographs which have been heretofore designated as Gerald L. Hill, Exhibit A, and Gerald L. Hill, Exhibit B, which have been identified by the photographer as having been taken under the marquee of the Texas Theater as Oswald was being removed from the theater on November 22. Gerald L. Hill Exhibit A has been heretofore identified as having been taken at a point of time very close to the time that Gerald L. Hill Exhibit B was taken. Th Commission also forwarded to the FBI a photograph which has heretofore been designated as Yarborough Exhibit A which appeared in the Saturday Evening Post issue of December 14, 1963, page 26. . For purposes of identification, the photograph appearing in Yarborough Exhibit A has been designated as Commission Exhibit No. 1797, since Yarborough Exhibit A consists of the entire Saturday Evening Post article. The Commission asked the Bureau to examine the three photographs, Commission Exhibit No. 1797, Gerald L. Hill Exhibit A, Gerald L. Hill Exhibit B, in order to determine whether the shirt worn by Lee Harvey Oswald in these photographs was in fact the same shirt which has heretofore been designated as Commission Exhibit No. 150. Is that correct, Mr. Shaneyfelt? Did you perform the examination in connection with this request by the Commission ? (Shaneyfelt Exhibit No. 24 was marked and introduced.) Shaneyfelt Exhibit No. 24 contains four photographs lettered A, B, C, and D. Photograph A on Shaneyfelt Exhibit No. 24 is an enlargement of the shirt being worn by Oswald in Commission Exhibit No. 1796. Photograph B is a photograph of the actual shirt, Commission Exhibit No. 150, being worn by an employee of me FBI laboratory. The photograph was made with the shirt in the same approximate position as the shirt being worn by Oswald in Commission Exhibit No. 1796. Photograph C is an enlargement of the shirt being worn by Oswald in Commission Exhibit No. 1797. And photograph D is a photograph made in the FBI laboratory of Commission Exhibit No. 150 being worn by a laboratory employee, and the photograph was made to show the shirt in the approximate position and contour of the shirt being worn by Oswald in Commission Exhibit No. 1797. The comparison of the shirt being worn by Oswald in Commission's Exhibits Nos. 1796 and 1797, were made with the shirt itself, and it was found that
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