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230. CE 223.
231. CE 197, 1086. 232. CE 2737, 2738, 2739. 233. CE 2736. 234. CE 1098. 235. CE 950, pt. 5, pp. 1-2. E,g., 60 Star. 452, 79th Cong., 2d sess. (1946); 75 Stat. 546, 87th Cong., 1st sess. (1961). 236. CE 950, pt. 5, pp. 1-2. E.g., H. Rept. 442, 87th Cong., 1st sess. (1961) 4; H. Rept. 1996, 87th Cong., 2d sess. (1962) 4; H. Rept. 388, 88th Cong., 1st sess. (1963) 4. 237. CE 950, pt. 5, exhibit 2. 238. 7 Foreign Affairs Manual sec. 423, 2-1. 239. 7 Foreign Affairs Manual, sec. 423, 1-2. 240. CE 950, pt. 5, p. 3. 241. 7 Foreign Affairs Manual sec. 423, 3-2. 242. 7 Foreign Affairs Manual sec. 423, 3-5; CE 223, 2660, 2766. 243. 7 Foreign Affairs Manual sec. 423, 3--3. 244. See supra, p. 758; cf. 7 Foreign Affairs Manual sec. 423, 7-1. 245. CE 950, pt. 5, p. 6; 7 Foreign Affairs Manuel sec. 423.5; CE 950 (repatriation loan, p. 7); 7 Foreign Affairs Manual sec. 423.6. 246. CE 948, question No. 13, p. 3. 247. CE 1098. 248. CE 948, question No. 13, pp. 3-4. 249. CE 1099, 1401. 250. CE 29, 946, 1099. 251. CE 1099. 252. See generally CE 834 (communications to FBI) and CE 2752 (communications to CIA). 253. CE 1059. 254. CE 1060, 1776. 255. CE 2657. 256. CE 1120. 257. CE 781, 952, 1969. 258. CE 781. 259. CE 781. 260. CE 952; 5 H 335 (Chayes). 261. CE 1969. 262. CE 2754, 2755; and see CE 952 (all applications that were made on June 24 for New Orleans in same teletype as Oswald's were authorized within 24 hours ). 263. CE 948, question No. 1; 5 H 335 (Chayes). The accuracy of their statement was confirmed, see CE 1057. 264. 5 H 334-335 (Chayes). 265. CE 950, pt. 2, p. 8. 266. CE 948, question No. 13, pp. 1-3. 267. Id. at question No. 13, pp. 3-4. 268. Kent v. Dulles, 357 U.S. 116 (1958). 269. Aptheker v. Secretary of State, 378 U.S. 500 (1964). 270. 64 Star. 993; 50 U.S.C. 785. 271. 22 CFR 51.135 (1964 Supp.). 272. See ch. VI, pp. 287-290. 273. 66 Stat.-190 (1952); 8 U.S.C. see. 1185(b). NOTES TO PAGES 770-779 274. Proclamation No. 2914 (Dec. 16, 1950), 64 Star. A454; Proclamation No. 2974. (Apr. 18, 1952), set out preceding 50 U.S.C. app. 1; Proclamation No. 3004 (Jan. 21, 1953), 18 Fed. Reg. 489. 275. 22 CFR sec. 51.136 (1964 Supp.). 276. CE 948, question No. 17; 5 H 327-328, 337 (Chayes). 277. 5 H 333 (Chayes). 278. CE 2750; Folsom DE 1. 279. CE 834, pp. 1-2; CE 2749, 2750; 5 H 333 (Chayes). 280. 5 H 333 (Chayes) and see 11 H 200 (Seeley) and 5 H 383 (Knight). 281. Hearings before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Department of State Passport Policies, 85th Cong. 1st sess. pp. 38-39 (1957). 282. 11 H 186-187 (James); 5 H 332 (Chayes); CE 950 (Repatriation Loan, p. 3); see Comment, "Passport Refusals for Political Reasons: Constitutional Issues and Judicial Review," 61 Yale L.J. 171, 174-178 (1952), for examples of passport refusals prior to Kent v. Dulles. 283. 357 U.S. 116 (1958). 284. 357 U.S. 144 (1958). 285. 357 U.S. 116, 125-126. 286. Hearings before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on S. 2770, et al., 85th Gong., 2d sess., p. 35 (1958); id. at 41 (Roderic O'Connor, Administrator, Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs of the Department of State); id. at 22; hearings before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on S. 806 et al. 86th Cong., 1st sess., p. 58 (1959); see also testimony of John W. Hanes. Jr., Administrator, Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs, Department of State; Hearings before a special subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Government Operations on S. 2095, 86th Cong., 1st sess. 157 (1959); compare id. at 369. The regulation was reenacted in 1962. 22 CFR sec. 51.136 (1964 Supp.). 287. CE 949; 5 H 327-328, 331-332 (Chayes); 5 H 379-380 (Knight). 288. 5 H 327-329, 333 (Chayes); id. at 338-339; CE 2756, attachment pp. 2-3. However, the Department had stamped Oswald's passport valid for direct return to the United States only, prior to granting him a repatriation loan. CE 946, p. 6, and 5 H 284 (Snyder). 289. 5 H 327-329, 333 (Chayes). 290. Copy of communication cannot be shown for security reasons. 291. CE 948, question No. 16. 292. 11 H 201-203 (Carroll Hamilton Seeley, Jr.) 11 H 191-193 (James L. Ritchie); CE 948, question No. 16. 293. CE 948, question No. 16; see 5 H 382-383 (Knight). 294. 11 H 482 (James D. Crowley). 295. CE 2688; cf. 5 H 278, 280, 288. 296. James DE 9. APPENDIX XVI 1. See also CE 1286. 2. See CE 1290. 3. CE 1254; CE 1297, p. 1. 4. See Mrs. Alice Nichols DE 5355, p. 285; CE 1234, 1274, 1654. 5. C. Ray Hall DE 2, pp. 13, 16; C. Ray Hall DE 1; CE 1322, p. 748. 6. CE 1232. 7. CE 1181. 8. But cf. Sam Ruby DE 1, p. 185. 9. 15 H 15 (Hyman Rubenstein); CE 1252; CE 1281, p. 20; CE 1285. 10. See generally CE 1283, 1284. 11. See CE 1186. 12. CE 1254; see 14 H 439 (Eva Grant). 13. 1254; see 14 H 488 (Sam Ruby). 14. 14 H 366 (Earl Ruby); but see CE 1286. 15. 15 H 276 (Eileen Kaminsky); CE 1698, p. 1.
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