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(APPENDIX XVII - Polygraph Examination of Jack Ruby)APPENDIX XVIII - NOTES TO PAGES IX-39FootnotesFor references to the testimony of witnesses before the Commission, the following citation form is used: number of volume, "H" (for "Hearings before the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy"), page number, and the name of the witness in parentheses, e.g., 7 H 441 (O'Donnell). Commission exhibits are referred to by the capital letters "CE" and number; deposition exhibits by the name of the witness, the capital letters "DE," and the number or letter of his exhibit, e.g., CE 705; Sorrels I)E 1. References to audiovisual sources for one Dallas broadcasting station (WFAA) are cited as follows: PKT for video tapes, PKF for films, and PKA for audio tapes. The video and audio reels and tapes of other stations are cited by number, e.g., WFAA-TV reel PKT 10; KRLD-TV reel 13.FOREWORD 1. Executive Order No. 11130 is set forth as app. 1. 2. The White House press release is set forth as app. II. 3. Senate Joint Resolution 137 (Public Law 88-202) is set forth as app. III, 4. The names of all witnesses are set forth in app. V. 5. The procedures of the Commission are set forth as app, VI. CHAPTER II 1. 4 H 130 (Gov. John B. Connally, Jr.); 7 H 441 (Kenneth O'Donnell). 2. Id. at 441, 442. 3. Id. at 442-443. 4. Id. at 442. 5. Ibid. 6. 7 H 475 (Clifton C. Carter). 7. Ibid. 8. Ibid. 9. 4 H 145-146 (Connally). 10. Ibid.; CE 1367. 11, 4 H 130 (Connally); CE 2960.. 12. 7 H 442 (O'Donnell). 13. 4 H 146 (Connally). 14. Ibid. 15. 7 H 443 (O'Donnell). 16. Ibid. 17. 4 H 319-325 (Winston G. Lawson) ; 7 H 334-341 (Forrest V. Sorrels). Governor Connally testified that he was not consulted about the security arrangements in Dallas, and that he did not expect to be. 4 H 145 (Connally). 18. 4 H 319 (Lawson); 7 H 334 (Sorrels). 19. CE 769, p. 1; 4 H 320 (Lawson). 20. Details of the advance work done by Agent Lawson are set forth in his contemporaneous memoranda; CE 767, 766, 769. 21.4 H 321-322 (Lawson); 2 H 107 (Roy H. Kellerman). 22. 4 H 322-324, 344-346 (Lawson). 23. CE 768, p. 9; see also 7 H 339 (Sorrels). 24. CE 770. 25. 4, H 323-324 (Lawson). 26. 7 H 334 (Sorrels). 27. See id. at 335; Sorrels DE 4, p. 1. 28. CE 769, p. 2. 29. CE 1360; 4 H 336-337 (Lawson). 30. CE 768, pp. 6-13; CE 769, p. 5; 4 H 338 (Lawson). 31. Id. at 325. 32. Ibid. 33. CE 769, p. 2; 7 H 337 (Sorrels). 34. CE 768, p. 4. 35. Ibid. 36. CE 769, p. 3. 37. 7 H 338 (Sorrels); 4 H 326 (Lawson); CE 1022, p. 2; CE 769, p. 3. 38. 4 H 341 (Lawson); CE 1022, p. 3. 39. 7 H 333 (Sorrels). 40. Id. at 337. 41. Ibid. 42. 4 H 326 (Lawson). 43. CE 876 is an aerial view of Dealey Plaza and the Triple Underpass; see also CE2188. 44. 7 H 237 (Sorrels); CE 2114-2116,
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