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If this is so, Lee Harvey Oswald had more money than he reported to the Welfare Department when he arrived in New York. The $30 figure is an estimate based upon reported funds available to Lee Harvey Oswald when he arrived in Fort Worth and upon Robert Oswald's statement as to later payments. 10. CE 1165, 1173. 11. 1 H 318 (R. Oswald). 12. CE 1170, 1171, see footnote 56. There is no record of initial subscription. This represents an estimate of cost based on subscription rates in July 1962. 13. CE 1165, 1173. 14. CE 1120. 15. 1 H 318 (R. Oswald). 16. 10 H 230 (Chester Riggs). 17. CE 1172. 18. Estimate based on approximate time Oswalds resided on Mercedes Ave., Fort Worth in August. 4 H 419 (John W. Fain); 1 H 134 (Marguerite Oswald). 19. CE 1165, 1173. 20. 9 H 144 (Paul R. Gregory); 2 H 340 (Peter P. Gregory); 5 H 419 (Marina Oswald ). 21. 10 H 230 (C. Riggs); CE 1160. 22. CE 1120. 23. 1 H 318 (R. Oswald). 24. CE 1147. 25. CE 1165, 1167, 1173, 1174. 26. 8 H 372 (George H. Bouhe). 27. CE 1120. 28. 10 H 288 (Colin Barnhorst); 10 H 281 (Richard L. Hulen); CE 1160. 29. CE 1160. 30. 1 H 318 (R. Oswald). 31. Marina Oswald lived at the Hall's for part of the month. 1 H 7, 31 (Marina Oswald). She also received assistance from other people. See e.g. 11 H 119-120 (A. Kleinlerer); 8 H 345-346 (Clark); 5 H 419 (Marina Oswald); 1 H 8 (Marina Oswald). 32. CE 1167, 1174. 33. 10 H 238-240 (Mrs. Mahlon F. To-bias) (included $5 key deposit which was never returned). 34. 11 H 470 (Taylor). 35. CE 1120. 36. 9 H 143 (Paul R. Gregory); 1 H 387 (R. Oswald); CE 1168. 37. Marina Oswald lived with the Mellers, the Fords, and the Rays during part of this month. 2 H 299 (Ford); 8 H 386-387 (Meller); 8 H 416-417 (Ray); 1 H 11-12 (Marina Oswald). 38. CE 1167, 1174. 39. 10 H 240 (Tobias). 40. CE 1160. 41. CE 1120. 42. Farrell Dobbs DE 1; 3 H 118 (Ruth Paine). 43. CE 1167, 1174. 44. 10 H 240 (Tobias); CE 1160. 45. CE 1120. 46. 7 H 376 (Heinz W. Michaelis); Michaelis DE 2; CE 1137. 47. CE 1130. 48. CE 1147. 49. CE 1167, 1174. 50. 10 H 240 (Tobias); CE 1160. 51.2 H 418, 9 H 455 (Michael Paine); 3 H 118 (R. Paine); CE 1145, 1172. 52. CE 1167, 1174. 53. CE 1133, 1134, 1160; 11 H 155 (M. Waldo George). 54. CE 1160. 55. CE 1136; William J. Waldman DE 7. 56. CE 1152, 1170, 1171. 57. 7 H 376-378 (Michaelis); Michaelis DE 5; CE 1137. 58. CE 1167, 1174. 59. CE 1165. 60. 11 H 155 (George); CE 1134. 61. 2 H 459 (R. Paine); CE 1168. 62. Although Oswald spent part of this month at the Murrets, 8 H 133, 139 (Lillian Murret), and Marina Oswald spent part of the time at Ruth Paine's, 2 H 457- 461 (R. Paine), he left money with his wife, 3 H 9 (R. Paine). 63. CE 1161, 1175. 64. CE 1157, 1161. 65. 10 H 265, 274, 276 (Mrs. Jesse Garner); CE 1139. 66. Dobbs DE 2. Oswald received copies of the Militant after September 1963 but there is no record he paid for a subscription, 3 H 118, 119 (R. Paine). 67..10 H 93 (Vincent T. Lee); V. T. Lee DE 3-4; CE 1140, 1410. 68. Although Oswald spent part of the time at the Murrets, 8 H 139 (L. Murret), and his wife spent part of the time at Ruth Paine's, 2 H 468 (R. Paine), this would be offset by the fact that Ruth Paine and her children spent time at the Oswald apartment, and the expenses involved in moving into an apartment in another city, 9 H 343 (R. Paine). 69. CE 1161, 1175. 70. See footnote 65. 71. CE 1158. 72. CE 1410, 1411. 73. CE 1176. 74. CE 1161, 1175. 75. See footnote 65. 76. CE 1411. 77. CE 1157, 1161. 78. See footnote 65. 79. CE 1177; V. T. Lee DE 6. 80. 10 H 64-66 (Charles H. Steele, Jr.) There is evidence that two people were handing out literature, but it is not known if both were paid $2. 81. CE 1157, 1161. 82. Although Oswald left for Mexico and his wife stayed with Ruth Paine during the latter part of the month, this is offset by additional expenses incurred in preparing for the Mexican trip. 83. Marina Oswald testified that just before she left New Orleans, her husband had told her that he had a little over $100 which would be sufficient for his Mexican trip, 1 H 27 (Marina Oswald). Later she stated he told her he had between $160-$180, CE 1156. Oswald received $33 in unemployment compensation after his wife left New Orleans. Oswald failed to pay his rent for September 9. 10 H 274-275 (Mrs. Jesse Garner). 84. CE 1146, 1166; 1 H 27 (Marina Oswald). 85. CE 1166. 86. CE 1156; 1 H 27 (Marina Oswald); CE 1166. 87. Marina Oswald testified that her husband returned from Mexico with about $50 or $70, 1 H 51 (Marina Oswald); CE 1156. She later said he had about $70. 88. CE 1157, 1165. 89. CE 1129. 90. 10 H 283 (Hulen); 10 H 290 (Barn-horst); 6 H 401 (Mary L. Bledsoe); 10 H 294 (Mrs. A. C. Johnson). 91. Daring this time Marina Oswald was living with Ruth Paine. Oswald spent weekends there also, 9 H 344 (R. Paine); I H 69-70 (Marina Oswald); 2 H 216, 219 (Buell W. Frazier). 92. CE 1129. 93. 10 H 294 (Mrs. Johnson). 94. CE 1152, 1178. 95. CE 1151. 96. 2 H 256 (William W. Whaley); 2 H 268 (Cecil J. McWatters); CE 1168. 97. See footnote 91. 98. CE 1148, 1155.
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