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Warren Commission Report: Page 862« Previous | Next »


415. 8 H 232 (Delgado).
416. Id. at 233, 241, 246-248.
417. Id. at 233.
418. See id. at 240-241, 243-244, 255.
419. Id. at 240.
420. Id. at 241.
421. Id. at 241-243.
422. See 8 H 233, 240-241, 243-244,
246, 254-255 (Delgado), 292-295, 297, 300
(Donovan), 315 (Botelho), 320 (Murphy),
322-323 (Call); 11 H 86-87, 96-95, 105-
108 (Thornley).
423. 11 H 108 (Thornley); see 8 H 320
(Murphy) ("Harvey" after "Harvey the
Rabbit" ).
424. 8 H 234, 264 (Delgado), 300 (Donovan), 317 (Camarata), 318 (Graf), 319
( Murray ).
425. 8 H 244, 254 (Delgado); 11 H 90
,(Thornley); see id. at 105 ("something
* * by Dostoievsky").
426. 8 H 300 (Donovan), 316 (Botelho),
319 (Murray), 320 (Murphy), 322 (Os-
borne), 322-323 (Call).
427. Id. at 323.
428. 8 H 251 (Delgado), 315-316
429. 8 H 251 (Delgado), 295 (Donovan).
430. Id. at 295-296.
431. 8 H 252 (Delgado).
432. 8 H 295 (Donovan); cf. 8 H 251
( Delgado ).
433. See id. at 241, 251 (Delgado), 316
(Camarata), 320 (Murphy), 322 (Os-
borne), 323 (Call).
434. 8 H 241 (Delgado).
435. Id. at 253-254; of. 8 H 301 (Donovan).
436. Folsom DE 1, p. 3. 437, Ibid.
438. Id. at 105.
439. Id. at 106; see 8 H 309 (Folsom). 440. CE 228, p. 1.
441. Ibid.; see id. at 3. 442. Id. at 2. 443. Ibid. 444. Ibid. 445. Ibid. 446. Id. at 3.
447. See CE 229, 232. 448. CE 234.
449. 8 H 243 (Delgado). 450. 8 H 323 (Call).
451. Folsom DE 1, pp. 27, 79; see 8 H 304 (Folsom).
452. Folsom DE 1, p. 84.
453. Id. at 86-91; of. CE 2241. 454. Id. at 6, 75, 76, 83. 455. Id. at 79-80. 456. Id. at 10, 78. 457. Id. at 4.
458. Ibid.; id. at 28. 459. Ibid.
460. Id. at 10.
461. CE 2016, p. II-13.
462. CE 1114.
463. CE 946.
464. 1 H 201-202 (Marguerite Oswald); CE 1135, p. 172.
465. I H 201-202, 212 (Marguerite Oswald); CE 1396, p. 6.
466. Ibid.
467. 1 H 201-202, 212 (Marguerite
468. CE 1135, p. 172.
469. 1 H 329 (R. Oswald); 1 H 212 (Marguerite Oswald).
470. 1 H 203 (Marguerite Oswald). 471. CE 2673, 2665, p. 305. 472. CE 2712.
473. CE 2665, p. 305. 474. CE 200.
475. CE 2665, p. 305; see CE 2674. 476. CE 2675, p. 2.

477. Id. at 2-3; 11 H 116 (George B. Church, Jr.), 117 (Mrs. George B. Church, Jr.).
478. CE 2711, p. 39; CE 946, p. 7; CE 2676, p. 1.
479. Id. at 1, 3.
480. CE 2677. Oswald could have arrived at 5:05 p.m., flying via Copenhagen, or at 5:35 p.m., via Stockholm. See Official Airline Guide, North American Edition, October 1959, p. C-721. But he would have been too late to visit the
Russian consulate that day. See CE 2714. 481. CE 946, p. 9.
482. Priscilla Johnson DE 1, p. 8; P. Johnson DE 5, p. 8.
483. CE 946, p. 8; CE 24, entry of
Oct. 16, 1959; CE 985, document No. 1A. 484. CE 24, entry of Oct. 16, 1959. 485. CE 3124.
486. CE 24, entry of Oct. 16, 1959. 487. CE 24.
488. CE 18; see, e.g., pp. 3, 7, 22, 23, 27, 29, 31, 35, 61, 81; see also CE 827; 1 H 30, 104 (Marina Oswald).
489. CE 24, entry of Oct. 16, 1959. 490. CE 24, entry of Oct. 17, 1959. 491. CE 24, entries of Oct. 17-21, 1959. 492. CE 24, entry of Oct. 17, 1959. 493. CE 24, entry of Oct. 18, 1959. 494. CE 1399.
495. 5 H 617 (Marina Oswald); CE 935,
827, 1438 (name misspelled by Oswald).
496. CE 2760; cf. CE 25, pp. 1B-2B.
497. 5 H 274 (Richard Edward Snyder).
498. CE 24, entry of Oct. 20, 1959.
499. CE 24, entry of Oct. 21, 1959.
500. Ibid.
501. Ibid, see oh. VII, p. 392.
502. CE 985, documents 1C-1--1C-4.
503. CE 985, document 1C-3, p. 10. 504. Id. at 11. 505. Id. at 10.
506. CE 24, entry of Oct. 23, 1959. 507. CE 24, entry of Oct. 21, 1959. 508. CE 24, entry of Oct. 23, 1959. 509. CE 24, entry of Oct. 23-26, 1959. 510. CE 985, document 1C-2, pp. 1, 8-9. 511. CE 24, entry of Oct. 28, 1959. 512. CE 3123.
513. CE 24, entry of Oct. 28, 1959.
514. Ibid.
515. Ibid.
516. CE 24, entries of Oct. 29-31, 1959.
517. CE 24, entry of Oct. 31, 1959.
518. See CE 908, p. 1; CE 909, p. 1; 5 H 260-261 (Snyder).
519. See generally 5 H 262-265, 269-270, 287-291 (Snyder); 300-304, 322-324
(John A. McVickar); CE 908, 909, 910.
520. CE 913.
521. 8 USC sec. 1481 (1958); CE 101, 941, 958.
522. 5 H 269 (Snyder); see CE 101, 941.
523. CE 24, entry of Oct. 31, 1959. 524. Ibid.; CE 2719.
525. CE 24, entry of Oct. 31, 1959; CE 3098.
526. CE 24, entry of Oct. 31, 1959; CE 3098.
527. 1 H 201, 203 (Marguerite Oswald); CE 1396, pp. 8-9.
528. CE 24, entry of Nov. 1. 1959. 529. CE 2672; P. Johnson DE 5, P. 15.
530. 1 H 323 (R. Oswald); see 11 H 458 (P. Johnson).
531. CE 2715, p. 61; CE 2684; 1 H 322 (R. Oswald).
532. CE 2683, p. 29 CE 2672: CE 24, entry of Nov. 1, 1959;; see 1 H 323 (R. Oswald ).
533. CE 2715; 1 H 323 (R. Oswald). 534. CE 2715, p. 61.
535. CE 912; see CE 919, 920; 5 H 267-269 (Snyder).
536. CE 912.

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