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280. 5 H 579 (Dillon).
281. 5 H 24-25 (Belmont); CE 1027, pp. 1-2. NOTES TO PAGES 467--515 282. See 5 H 474-475 (Rowley) 283. See id. at 475-476. 284. CE 1053D. APPENDIX VII 1. N. Schachner, "Thomas Jefferson" 661 (1957); CE 2549, p. 22. 2. S. F. Bemis, "John Quincy Adams and the Union" 120-121 (1956); CE 2549, p. 23. 3. M. James, "Andrew Jackson" 636- 637 (1938): CE 2549, p. 23. 4. James at 684--688. 5. M. Smith. "A President Is Many Men" 225 (1948); C. M. Green, "Washington: Village and Capitol, 1800-1878" 160 (1962); CE 2549, p. 25. 6. B. P. Thomas, "Abraham Lincoln" 242-244 (1952); G. S. Bryan, "The Great American Myth" 13-18, 20-48 (1940). 7. Thomas at 245: Bryan at 54. 8. Bryan at 55- 73. 9. Id. at 60-69. 10. Thomas at 454-455, 474-475; L. Lewis, "Myths After Lincoln" 167-173, 293-294 (1941). 11. Thomas at 519; Bryan at 114-125, 138-144; Lewis at 167-173. 12. Thomas at 519; Bryan at 149-155, 165-166, 221. 13. Thomas at 520-521; Bryan at 173-184, 188-189. 14. Bryan at 262-266, 268; B. Pitman, "The Assassination of President Lincoln and the Trial of the Conspirators" 242-249 (facsimile ed. 1954). 15. H.R. Rept. No. 104, 39th Cong., 1st sess. (1865); R. G. Tugwell "The Enlargement of the Presidency" 265 footnote 5 (1960). 16. W. B. Hesseltine, "Ulysses S. Grant" 301 (193.5): CE 2550, p. 37. 17. 0gilvie, "Life and Death of James A. Garfield," 100-131 (1881); R. J. Donovan, "The Assassins," 17, 35-42 (1952). 18. Ogilvie at 30-31, 45, 47; R. G. Caldwell, "James A. Garfield" 350-351 (1931); Donovan at 42-44, 58-61. 19. New York Tribune, July 3, 1881. 20. M. Smith at 229 (1948). 21. CE 2550, pp, 36- 37. 22. 13 Star. 351: Holverstott. "Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the United States Secret Service in the National Archives" 4-19 (1949); Bowen, "United States Secret Service, a Chronicle" 4, unpublished manuscript in the files of the Secret Service. 23. E.g., 20 Star. 384; 22 Star. 313. 24. CE 2550, pp. 3.6-37. 25. New York Evening Post, Sept. 7, 1901. 26. M. Leech, "In the Days of McKinley" 231-232, 559-562 (1959). 27. Id. at 559-561: C. Dawes, "A Journal of the McKinley Years" 239-240 (1950). 28. Leech at 594-596. 29. Id. at 592-594; Donovan at 88-89. 30. Donovan at 85, 107. 31. Id. at 85-88. 32. See supra, p.. 455 for a discussion of such legislation. 33. "Hearings Before the Subcommittee of House Committee on Appropriations in Charge of Sundry Civil Appropriations Bill for 1911," 61st Gong. 2d sess. at 176 (1910); Records of U.S. Secret Service, Record Group 87, Daily Reports of Agents on White House detail, 1902-36, National Archives; W. S. Bowen and H. E. Neal, "The United States Secret Service" 11, 126 (1960). 34. 2 "Selections From the Correspondence of Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge, 1884-1918" 224 (1925). 35. Donovan at 142-147. 36. Id. at 128-129, 146-147. 37. 34 Star. 708 (1906); "Hearings Before Subcommittee of House Committee on Appropriations in Charge of Sundry Civil Appropriations Bill for 1910," 61st Gong., 1st sess. at 225-226 (1909). 38. 38 Star. 23 (1913). 39. 39 Star. 919, now 18 U.S.C. 871. 40. 40 Star. 120. 41.2 J. B. Bishop, "Theodore Roosevelt and His Times" 451-453 (1920). 42. E. W. Starling, "Starling of the White House" 117 (1946). 43. Donovan at 153-157. 44. Id. at 158-163. 45. Id. at 164-168. 46. S. Rept. No. 760, 67th Cong., 2d sess. (1922); CE 2550, p. 37. 47. 42 Stat. 841. 48. 46 Stat. 328. 49. 76 Stat. 95. 50. CE 2553. 51. Starling at 42; CE 1029. 52. Baughman, "Secret Service Chief" 54-69 (1961); Bowen and Neal at 132- 133. The functions of Protective Research Section are discussed supra at pp. 429-433. 53. CE 2549, pp. 113, 115; Donovan at 201. 54. Donovan at 202-207; CE 2551, p. 116. 55. 05 Stat. 122, 18 U.S.C. 3056. 56. 76 Stat. 956, 18 U.S.C. 3056 (Cum. Supp. 1962); S. Rept. No. 836, 87th Cong. 1st sess. (1961). 57. 18 U.S.C. 871. 58. 35 Star. 328; 42 Gong., Rec. 5553-5560, 60th Gong., 2d sess. (1908); 35 Star. 986; 41 Stat. 174 (1919). 59. CE 2551. 60. 36 Stat. 748 (1910); CE 867. 61. 5 H 102, 119 (J. Edgar Hoover); CE 2552. 62. Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government [hereafter cited as Hoover Commission] "Task Force Report on Fiscal, Budgeting, and Accounting Activities" [app. F] 2, 17 (January 1949). 63. Hoover Commission "Treasury Department" (1949). 64. Hoover Commission transcript of meeting at 39 (Dee. 20, 1948) in Record Group 264, Box 29, National Archives. 65. 18 U.S.C. 3056. 66. "Hearings on Treasury--Post Office Departments and Executive Office Appropriations Before the Subcommittee of the House Committee on Appropriations" 88th Cong., 2d sess. 434, 449 (1964).
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