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1230. 15 H 259-261,264-265 (Knight). 1231. CE 2270, 2888. 1232. CE 2890, 2981, pp. 1, 3, 8; CE 2982: see also CE 305). 1233. 2 H 57-58, 60 (M. Lane). 1234. 14 H 69 (Crafard); CE 2984, cf. 13 H 353 (Armstrong); 15 H 662 (Mrs. Carlin ). 1235. 14 H 559-561 (Ruby); 5 H 515-516, 522-525 (Weissman); CE 2985, p. 7: CE 3115. 1236. CE 1620; 14 H 559-560 (J. Ruby); see CE 2430: compare id. at 3. 1237. CE 2430. 1238. Ibid. 1239. Ibid. 1240. Ibid. 1241. See pp. 335, 347-348, supra. 1242. See pp. 344-345, supra. 1243. CE 2985, pp. 7, 9, 10, 12, 14; cf. CE 2986. 1244. See CE 2985. pp. 6-7. 1245. CE 2987. 1246. CE 2985, p. 10. 1247. Id. at 6-7. 1248. CE 2985, pp. 15-17. 1249. See ch. IV at 163-164. 1250. Sawyer DE A; 4 H 179, 184 (Jesse E. Curry); 7 H 75-76 (James Putnam): see ch. IV at 163-164. 1251. Compare ch. IV at 143-144 with CE 3002. 1252. CE 3054, 3055, 3056, 3057; 14 H 330-364 (Nancy Perrin Rich); Nancy Perrin Rich DE 1-4; CE 3058, 3059, 3060, 3061, 3062, 3063, 3064, 3065, 1688, 1689, 3067, 3068. 1253. 5 H 202 (J. Ruby); C. Ray Hall DE 3, p. 15; CE 1688, 1689, 3069; see also 14 H 506 (J. Ruby); CE 2414. 1254. CE 2988, 3069; see CE 1748, 1752. 1255. CE 2303, p. 19. 1256. See CE 2988, 3069. 1257. CE 2989. 1258. See 5 H 200-201 (J. Ruby); CE 1697, 1545, 1690, 1691. 1259. CE 2993, 2994, 1697, 1546. 1260. CE 2.978, pp. 4-5. 1261. 14 H 384-385 (Earl Ruby). 1262. See app. XVI at 803. 1263. CE 2980, 2979, pp. 13-14. 1264. CE 2428. 1265. CE 2980. 1266. See app. XVI at p. 801; CE 2988. 1267. See app. XVI at pp. 785, 790, 801. 1268. 14 H 565-566 (J. Ruby): 5 H 103 (J. Edgar Hoover); CE 1353, 1628, 1760; cf. CE 2332, 2333, 3012, 2328, 2331, 1697, 1221, 1500. 1269. 14 H 165 168 1270. 14 H 168-172, 181 182, (Senator). 1271. 14 H 175 178, 181-184, 304 305, 309-310 (Senator). 1272. Senator DE 5400, p. 297; CE 3027; 14 H 165-210, 310-311 (Senator): CE 3014, 3026, 3028. 1273. 14 H 249-250 (Senator). 1274. See 14 H 244-245, 302-303 (Senator); Senator DE 5400, 5401, 5402, 5403. 1275. Ibid. 1276. CE 2419. 1277. See 14 H 217-218, 230-235, 261- 262, 299-300, 314-315 (Senator). 1278. CE 3015. 1279. 14 H 2]6, 314-315 (Senator). 1280. 14 H 532 (J. Ruby). 1281. Ibid. 1282. CE 2419; Senator DE 5401; see 14 H 245-246, 302-304, 316-317 (Senator ). 1283. CE 3023, pp. 17-18; 14 H 245 (Senator); see Senator DE 5401. 1284. CE 3023; Senator DE 5401; but compare CE 2419: 14 H 245-246, 252- 253, 303-304 (Senator). 1285. CE 3024; see also CE 3013 p. 196. 1286. 14 H 246-251, 253 (Senator); CE 3024. 1287. CE 2344, 2302, 2303, 2345. 1288. Ibid. 1289. See, e.g., CE 3036, see also 5 H 208 (J. Ruby). 1290. 14 H 150 (Paul): C. Ray Hall DE 3. pp. 15-16. 1291. CE 2344, 3018, 1695, 3019, 1567. 1292. CE 1561. p. 302:15 H 248 249 ( Wright ). 1293. 14 H 216 217 (Senator); 13 H 447 (Crafard). 1294. See CE 1322, pp. 733-751. 1295. See app. XVI at pp. 794, 796-797, 804-806. 1296. 5 H 272 (Dean Rusk); CE 3025 (Robert F. Kennedy): 5 H 585-586 (C. Douglas Dillon); CE 3138 (Robert S. McNamara): 5 H 103 (J. Edgar Hoover): CE 2980 (John A. McCone); 5 H 485 (James J. Rowley). CHAPTER VII I. 5 H 394 (Marina Oswald); 2 H 400 (Michael Paine); 10 H 56 (Francis L. Martello); see discussion of Fair Play for Cuba Committee activities, infra. 2. I H 91 (Marina Oswald); 5 H 394, 408 (Marina Oswald); 9 H 145 (Paul R. Gregory): 10 H 56 (Martello). 3. I H 10-12, 21-22, 66 (Marina Oswald). 4. Id. at 22; see authority at notes 125 and 314. infra. 5. 8 H 150 (Lillian Murret): see authority at notes 125 and 314, infra. 6. I H 22 (Marina Oswald). 7. Id. at 22 23; see 11 H 100 (Kerry Thornley); 11 H 402 (Michael Paine). 8. See 8 H 272 (Daniel P. Powers): 11 H 96-97 (Thornley) and discussion. infra. 9. 11 H 96, 99; authority at note 151, infra. 10. 11 H 170 (William Kirk Stuckey); Stuckey DE 2, p. 2; CE 1385, p. 7. 11. 1 H 96, 123 (Marina Oswald); 10 H 97 (Arnold Johnson); CE 100; CE 2564. 12. 1 H 225 (Marguerite Oswald); see 8 H 104-105 (L. Murret). 13. 11 H 4, 10, 20 (John Edward Pic); I H 253 (Marguerite Oswald). 14. Id. at 253 254: I H 94 (Marina Oswald): 11 H 12, 74 (J. Pic): 8 H 48 (Myrtle Evans): 1 H 271 (Robert Oswald). 15. 11 H 12 (J. Pic); J. Pic DE 3, 5. 16. 1 H 254 (Marguerite Oswald): 8 H 47-48, 63-64 (M. Evans): 8 H 36. 37 (Anne Boudreaux); 8 H 112 (L. Murret). 17. J. Pic DE 2-A; 1 H 255 (Marguerite Oswald). 18. J. Pic DE 2, p. 4; H 272 (R. Oswald): 11 H 15, 22 (J. Pic). 19. 11 H 23 (J. Pic): 8 H 53 (M. Evans); 1 H 255 (Marguerite Oswald); see CE 1960 A, p. 1. 20. 1 H 275-277 (R. Oswald); 11 H 23--25, 28-30 (J. Pic): 11 H 472 (Mrs. J. U. Allen ). 21. 8 H 51 (M. Evans); 8 H 68-69 (Julian Evans); 8 H 117 (L. Murret); see 1 H 277-278 (R. Oswald).
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