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1040. 15 H 397, 399 (Wanda Y. Helmick); CE 2834. 1041.15 H 399 (Helmick). 1042. Id. at 400, but see 15 H 672, 678-679 (Paul); CE 2339. 1043. 15 H 671-672, 675, 678-679 (Paul). 1044. 15 H 399 (Helmick); 14 H 153 (Paul); 15 H 671-672 (Paul). 1045. 13 H 247 (Reeves); see C. Ray Hall DE 3, p. 10; see CE 1476. 1046. 14 H 635 (H. Olsen): 14 H 649 (K. Olsen). 1047. CE 2307. 1048. Ibid. 1049. Ibid. 1050. Ibid.: 14 H 605 (Breck Wall). 1051. CE 2307. 1052. 14 H 532-533, 543, 559, 564 (J. Ruby); 5 H 197 (J. Ruby); see also C. Ray Hall DE 3, p. 12. 1053. Paul DE 5319, p. 7. 1054. 14 H 153 (Paul): 15 H 671-673 796-797, 805 (Paul). 1055. 14 H 605-607 (Wall). 1056. See app. XVI, pp. 796 797, 805: CE 2344. 1057. CE 2302, p. 14; CE 2303. p. 26; 2328, 2331, 2333. 1058. 14 H 605-606 (Wall). 1059. CE 2068. 1060. CE 2337. 1061. C. Ray Hall DE 3, p. 10; 15 H 552 (Robert L. Norton); 5 H 198 (J. Ruby). 1062. 15 H 552-553 (Norton). 1063. Id. at 553; see 5 H 198 (J. Ruby); see CE 2836. 1064. 5 H 198 (J. Ruby): see 15 H 551 (Norton): CE 2836. 1065. 14 H 529 (J. Ruby): 5 H 198 (J. Ruby). 1066 14 H 236 (Senator). 1067. 15 H 343 (Grant). 1068. 14 H 236 (Senator). 1069. 5 H 199 (J. Ruby); 14 H 236-240 (Senator). 1070. 13 H 256-261 (Warren E. Richey): 13 H 279-283 (John A. Smith); 13 H 292-294 (Ira N. Walker). 1071.13 H 256 258 (W. Richey); 13 H 279-282 (J. A. Smith); 13 H 291-294 ( I. Walker). 1072. 13 H 256-258 (W. Richey); 13 H 278-282 (J. A. Smith); 13 H 292 (I. Walker). 1073. 13 H 283 (J. A. Smith). 1074. 13 H 257 (W. Richey). 1075. 13 H 283 (J. A. Smith); see also 13 H 257 (W. Richey). 1076. App. XVI, pp. 787, 792; CE 2424, 1478; see 15 H 523 (Kaufman); see also 15 H 332 (E. Grant). 1077. 14 H 236, 238-239 (Senator); Pappas DE 1. 1078. 13 H 257 (W. Richey). 1079. CE 2790, 2415; Pappas DE 1; but see 15 H 508 (Johnston); 15 H 603 (Ronald L. Jenkins). 1080. Compare 13 H 292 293 (I. Walker) with 13 H 278 280 (J. A. Smith). 1081. 13 H 292 (Walker); 13 H 278-281, 283 (J. A. Smith). 1082. KRLD-TV reel 13; CE 3072. 1083. 14 H 236 (Senator); Senator DE 5402, p. 4. 1084. 13 H 232-233 (Elnora Pitts): see 14 H 289-240 (Senator). 1085. 13 H 231-232 (Pitts). 1086. Id. at 230-232. 1087. 13 H 197-198, 200 (Sidney Evans, Jr.); see also 13 H 263-264 (Malcolm R. Slaughter). 1088. 14 H 232-233 (Senator/; see also Senator DE 5402. 1089. 14 H 236-239 (Senator); CE 2298. 1090. 13 H 210 211 (K. Carlin). 1091. Id. at 210 212. 1092. 14 H 239 (Senator). 1093. 14 H 236 (Senator); see also 14 H 532 (J. Ruby). 1094. 5 H 198-199 (J. Ruby) ;.see 14 H 532 (J. Ruby); see also 13 H 502 (Crafard); 14 H 207 (Senator). 1095. 14 H 210 211, 240 (Senator); C. Ray Hall DE 2, p. 15; 5 H 198-199 (J. Ruby). 1096. C. Ray Hall DE 2, p. 15; 5 H 199 (J. Ruby); 14 H 83-85 (Crafard): 13 H 311 312 (Armstrong); 14 H 147 (Paul): 14 H 211, 312 (Senator). 1097. C. Ray Hall DE 3, pp. 10-11: 5 H 199 (Paul). 1098. CE 2068: KRLD TV reel 12. 20; WBAP-TV reel FW No. 2. 1099. 13 H 272-274 (Smart); Smart DE 5021: CE 1322, pp. 732, 747 751; see H 501 (Crafard): 14 H 329 330 (Senator). 1100. C. Ray Hall DE 2, p. 15; CE 1322, pp. 726 731; 15 H 199 (J. Ruby); see also 14 H 327 (Senator). 1101. 13 H 226 (Doyle E. Lane). 1102. Id. at 224; D. Lane DE 5118, 5119; CE 2420, 2421, 1322, p. 726. 1103. Id. at 225. 1104. Ch. V at pp. 216-225: KRLD-TV reel No. 13: KRLD-TV reel No. 59: WBAP-TV reel FW No. 1. 1105. See 15 H 369-371 (Pappas): Pappas DE 1,2; C.D. 1314-A (tape recording in Commission files); J. R. Leavelle DE 5088, 5089; 13 H 8-9 (L. C. Graves); 12 H 308, 313-314 (Louis D. Miller); L. D. Miller DE 5013, 5014:13 H 29 (L. D. Montgomery); McMillon DE 5016; 12 H 179 (B. H. Combest); Combest DE 5101, p. 3; Kantor DE 3, pp. 3S, 3,T; W. J. Harrison DE 5029. pp. -2-3; CE 2002. p. 45; NBC-TV reel No. 66, Nov, 24. 1963. But see CE 2409, p. 300:5 H 199 (J. Ruby); 14 H 562 (J. Ruby). 1106. KRLD-TV reel 13: CE 3072. 1107. See app. XVI at 787, 788-789, 793-795, 798 799: see 15 H 258 (Knight): 15 H 636; (Meyers). 1108. 13 H 469 (Crafard). 1109. 14 H 39-40 (Crafard); see Crafard DE 5226, p. 147. 1110. CE 2429. 1111. Crafard DE. 5226, p. 152; see also 13 H 469 (Crafard). 1112. CE 2793; Crafard DE 5227. 1113. 14 H 92-93 (Crafard). 1114. Crafard DE 5226, pp. 148-149; 13 H 420-422 (Crafard); see 14 H 23-25 (Crafard). 1115. 13 H 466-468 (Crafard); C. Ray Hall DE 3, p. 9. 1116. CE 2429; see 13 H 471-472 (Crafard): see also CE 2792. 1117. 13 H 404-408 (Crafard). 1118. Id. at 407-410, 413-416. 1119. Id. at 470 (Crafard); see 14 H 38 39 (Crafard). 1120. CE 2302, 2303, 2307; 14 H 152 153 (Paul; 15 H 665, 670 673 (Paul): app. XVI at 795. 1121. 14 H 153-154 (Paul); 15, H 672-673 (Paul). 1122. CE 2311. 2316. 1123. CE 3026, 2980, 3034; 15 H 677 (Paul): CE 2817. 1124. CE 2823; 15 H 401 402 (Hel- mick ). 1125. Id. at 401; CE 2338. 1126. CE 2338. 2339. 1127. CE 2431: 15 H 399 (Helmick). 1128. 14 H 605-606 (Wall); see 15 H 671-672, 675, 678-679 (Paul): 14 H 532-533, 543, 559, 564 (J. Ruby); 5 H 197 (J. Ruby). 1129. CE 2300.
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