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376. 2 H 431 (R. Paine); 9 H 831-832,
339 (R. Paine); CE 1831, pp. 4-5. 377. Ibid. 378. 9 H 332 (R. Paine). 379. 2 H 432 (R. Paine); 3 It 133-134 (R. Paine). 380. 3 H 133-134 (R. Paine). 381.2 H 387-388 (M. Paine). 382. 3 H 134 (R. Paine). 383. 2 H 387 (M. Paine); 9 H 338 (R. Paine); 3 H 135 (R. Paine). 384. Ibid.; 9 H 338-339 (R. Paine); 9 H 134 (Gravitis). 385. 2 H 508 (R. Paine). 386. 2 H 385 (M. Paine); CE 1830, pp- 4-5. 387. 2 H 390-392 (M. Paine); CE 1830, pp. 4-5. 388. 2 H 389-390 (M. Paine); CE 1830, p. 6. 389. 2 H 389-392 (M. Paine). 390. Id. at 385, 386; 2 H 432 (R. Paine). 391.2 H 385 (M. Paine); 4 H 448 (Hosty). 392. 2 H 387-388 (M. Paine). 393. Id. at 389. 394. 3 H 9-10, 93, 129 (R. Paine); 9 H 343 (R. Paine), see CE 429-440. 395. 3 H 15-1.8, 43-46, 96-105 (R. Paine); 2 H 405-406 (M. Paine); CE 396. 3 H 21 25, 79, 81 (R. Paine); 9 H 393-394, 408-410 (R. Paine). 397. 3 H 17-18 (R. Paine); 4 H 462, 473 (Hosty). 398. Id. at 450-454; CE 830, p. 11. 399. R. Paine DE 277, 278, 278-A, 469; CE 404-424. 400. CE 401, 402. 401. E.g., 9 H 342 (R. Paine). 402. CE 3116, 3117; in addition to the testimony and exhibits included in the record to this report, additional data relative to the background of the Paines is included in the files of 'the Commission. 403. CE 3116, 3117, 821-824, 826, 829, 830, 833, 836; 4 H 403-430 (John W. Fain); 4 H 431-440 (John L. Quigley); 4 H 440-476 (James P. Hosty, Jr.). 404. CE 1172; cf. A. Johnson DE 1; see 9 H 455 (M. Paine); 3 H 118 (R. Paine); CE 1145, p. 1. 405. A. Johnson DE 1-3; 10 It 97-98, 100 (Arnold S. Johnson); CE 93; see also 10 H 209-210 (Dennis H. Ofstein); CE 1799; Oswald also subscribed to several Russian periodicals. CE 1147; 8 H 370-371 (Bouhe). 406. A. Johnson DE 1, 3-4 10 H 98-100 (A. Johnson). 407. A. Johnson DE 2; 10 H 99-100 (A. Johnson). 408. A. Johnson DE 6, 4-A. 409. A. Johnson DE 4, 4-A; cf. Johnson DE 3, 7. 410. A. Johnson DE 7; 10 H 103-104 (A. Johnson). 411. Weinstock DE 1; 11 H 207 208 (Louis Weinstock): A. Johnson DE 5, 5- A; Tormey DE 1, 2; 10 H 107 108 (James J. Tormey). 412. See pp. 299--307, infra. 413. CE 2564. 414. See app. XIII, notes 1110-1119, infra. When questioned by Mexican po lice shortly after the assassination, SeƱora Duran did not recall whether or not Oswald had in fact told her he was a member of the Communist Party. CE 2120, p. 5. 415. See ch. V, p. 201, supra; 10 H 116-117 (Abt). 416. Dobbs DE 9, 11; see also Dobbs DE 10, 13. 417. Dobbs DE 12:10 H 113-114; 11 H 208--209 (Farrell Dobbs). NOTES TO PAGES 285-295 418. Dobbs DE 1-8; 10 H 109-110, 113 (Dobbs); CE 1799; see 3 H 119 (R. Paine). 419. Dobbs DE 13; 10 H 114-115; 11 H 209 (Dobbs). 420. CE 3153. 824, p. 7: CE 826, p. 12; CE 869, 2973, 3037, 3038, 3041; see also 5 H 28 (Alan H. Belmont): 4 H 411 (Fain); 4 H 302 (Robert I. Bouck). 421. 10 H 97, 102-105 (A. Johnson); 10 H 108 (Tormey); 10 H 110-111,114- 116 (Dobbs); 11 H 208-209 (Dobbs); 11 207-208 (Weinstock). 422. H. Twiford DE 1; 11 H 179 (Horace Twiford); CE 3085; CE 2335, pp. 6- 7. 423. 11 H 179 (H. Twiford); 11 H 179- 180 (Estelle Twiford). 424. CE 3085. 425. Ibid., in 1956, when Oswald was 16 years old, he apparently obtained information about the Socialist Party of America. Gray DE 1; 11 H 209-210 (V. Gray). 426. V. T. Lee DE 1; 10 H 87-88 (Vincent T. Lee). 427. Lee DE 2, 3; CE 828; 11 H 93 (Lee). 428. Lee DE 2. 429. Lee DE 3. 430. Lee DE 4; CE 1410, 1411, 2349, 2542, 2543, 2544, 1413, pp. 28-31; CE 2545. 431. Lee DE 5-7. 432. Lee DE 5. 433. 10 H 37-42 (Bringuier); Pizzo DE 453-A, 453-B; CE 1413, pp. 19 30; CE 1412, 2548, 2546, 3029; 10 (Steele); Bringuier DE 1. See also 11 475 (Rachal); see app. XIII, pp. 728-729. 434. 10 H 37-39 (Bringuier); CE 1413, pp. 19-30, 34, 42; CE 826, pp. 5-10; 10 H 53-57 (Martello); Lee DE 6; 1 H. (Marina Oswald); CE 1412, 2210, 2216, 2520, 28.60, 2895, 3032; CE 3119, pp. 12-14; CE 826, pp. 9-10. 435. 10 H 35-37 (Bringuier); see app. XIII, p. 728. 436. CE 826, pp. 5-10; 10 H 53-57 (Martello). 437. Lee DE 6, 7; Bringuier DE 1; 11 H 158-171 (Stuckey); 10 H 39-43 (Bringuier); Stuckey DE 2, 3; Pizzo DE 453-A, 453-B. 438. Holmes DE 1. 439. 10 H 90, 93 (Lee). 440. See pp. 407-412, infra. 441. See CE 826, p. 7; CE 1413, p. 31; CE 1414; CE 3119, pp. 14-15; CE 3120. The Cuban Revolutionary Council, an anti-Castro organization, at one time did main- rain an office at 544 Camp St., but it vacated The building early in 1962, before Oswald had returned from the Soviet Union, CE 1414. 442. CE 1410, 1411, 2542-2544; 10 90 (Lee). 443. 5 H 401-402 (Marina Oswald). 444. 10 H 62-71 (C. Steele, Jr.); see 10 H 93-94 (Lee); cf. Lee DE 5. 445. CE 826, p. 12; CE 2952. p. 3: CE 2973. 3037: cf. 5 H 9 (Belmont); 4 H 444-445 (Hosty); 4 H 432-436 (Quigley): compare, e.g., CE 3029, 3128. 446. 2 H 403, 407 (M. Paine): CE 783, 2213: 7 H 325 (Gregory L. Olds). 447. 2 H 403, 407-408 (M. Paine): 9 H 462-464 (Raymond F. Krystinik). 448. 11 H 424-425 (Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker, Jr., Resigned, U.S. Army). 449. A. Johnson DE 7; 10 H 96, 103-104 (A. Johnson). 450. See pp. 182-187, supra. 451. In addition to the preceding discussion. see ch. VII, infra. 452. 5 H 489-500 (Bernard Weissman): CE 1811, pp. 4-15; CE 1815, pp. 710- 714; CE 1034.
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