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refers to a reporter named "Goldstene" whose name is A. L Goldberg, see CE 2719; CE 24, entry for Nov. 15, 1959, records an interview with Aline Mosby which appeared in the Fort Worth Star Telegram on Nov. 15, datelined Nov. 14 (CE 2716). 133. 1 H 30, 104-10.5 (Marina Oswald). 134. E.g., CE 18, 1438. 135. CE 2774, 3096. 136. E.g., compare CE 931, 251-256 with V. T. Lee DE 1, 2, 4-7 and CE 2779. 137. CE 24. 138. The files have been assigned CD 1114, 1115. 139. 5 H 260-299 (Snyder); 5 H 299- 306, 318-326 (John A. McVickar). 140. CE 1385. 141. 11 H 442-469 (P. Johnson). 142. CE 985. 143. CE 24, entry of Oct. 16, 1959. 144. CE 24, entry of Oct. 21, 1959. 145. CE 24, entries of Oct. 20 and 21, 1959; 5 It 617; and CE 935, p. 2; CE 1438 and CE 827 indicate that Oswald was interviewed by "Leo Setyaev" (per-Imps Lev Setyayev, an English-speaking commentator for Radio Moscow), a "Radio Moscow Reporter," probably also working for the KGB on this occasion. The interview was apparently never broadcast. 2 H 274 (Richard E. Snyder); but see CE 25, p. 3. 146. CE 2760. 147. CE 24, entry of Oct. 21, 1959. 148. CE 2778. 149. CE 985, doe. 1C-2, 1C-3. 150. CE 2776. 151. 1 H 91 (Marina Oswald). 152. E.g., 8 H 382, 384, 386 (Anna N. Meller); 9 H 240 (G. De Mohrenschildt); 9 H 309, 311 (Jeanne De Mohrenschildt); 11 H 474 (Hilda Smith); and see comments of fellow Marines in app. XIII, pp. 681-689, and discussion of his character in ch. VII; see also 2 H 318 (Katherine Ford), relating an incident in which Oswald reacted violently to a suggestion that Marina Oswald may have contemplated suicide. 153. CE 908. 154. 5 H 270 (Snyder). 155. Id. at 262. 156. Id. at 295-296. 157. CE 908. 158. 5 H 290 (Snyder). 159. Id. at 289. 160. CE 913; 5 H 263 (Snyder). 161. CE 2774. 162. 5 H 280 (Snyder); but see 8 H 287-288 (Powers). 163. CE 908, p. 2. 164. CE 912. See app. w, pp. 747--751, for further details regarding Oswald's attempted expatriation. 165. 5 H 287-288 (Snyder); CE 941, p. 3; 5 H 302-303 (McVickar). 166. 11 H 453-455 (P. Johnson); see also CE 1385; CE 911, p. 1 (contemporaneous observation that Oswald used words as though he had learned them out of a dictionary). 167. 5 H 279, 287, 290 (Snyder); CE 941, 958; 5 H 300-301 (McVickar); and see 11 H 447-460 (P. Johnson). 168. App. XIII, pp. 675, 679, 683, 685-688, 722. 169. See ch. VII, pp. 384, 388-390; app. XIII, pp. 679, 686-687. 170. See, e.g., CE 24, entry of Oct. 16, 1959 5 H 616 (Marina Oswald). 171. See CE 1385, pp. 15-17 (Mosby) 5 H 272, 287-288 (Snyder); CE 908 (Snyder); CE 941, p. 3, 5 H 302-303 (McVickar); 11 H 453 (P. Johnson). 172. CE 24, entry of Oct. 31, 1959. 173. 5 H 287 (Snyder); but see 5 H 272 ( Snyder ). 174. P. Johnson DE 6, p. 1; 11 H 444 (P. Johnson). 175. Id. at 452. 176. CE 913. 177. CE 912. 178. 8 U.S.C. see. 1481. 179. 5 H 269, 290 (Snyder). 180. See Johnson DE 5, passim, and especially p. 13; 11 H 447, 456, 458-459 (Johnson). 181. CE 24, entries of Nov. 16, 1959, and Jan. 4, 1960. 182. CE 985, doc. Nos. 1A, 2A, and 3A (1). 183. CE 1885, p. 4. 184. 11 H 456-457 (P. Johnson); P. Johnson DE 1, pp. 3-4. 185. CE 24, entry of Nov. 16, 1959. 186. CE 297. 187. CE 202; CE 206; 1 H 204 (Marguerite Oswald). 188. See also CE 297 (Oswald seemed to associate acceptance by Soviet authorities with leaving the hotel in Moscow 189. CE 3125. 190. P. Johnson DE 5, p. 7. 191. CE 985, doc. Nos. 1A, 2A, and 3A (1). 192. CE 2762, p. 2. 193. CE 960, question 2. 194. CE 2762, p. 2. 195. CE 960, question 2. 196. CE 2760. 197. CE 24, entries of Oct. 28, 1959, and Nov. 17 to Dec. 30, 1959. 198. CE 24. 199. CE 985. 200. M. Kramer DE 1, 2. 201. 11 H 213 (Rita Naman); 11 H 212 (Monica Kramer). 202. 11 H 211-212 (Katherine Mallory). 203. See generally app. w. 204. E.g., CE 298, 315 184. 205. E.g., CE 1392-1395. 206. E.g., 9 H 171, 229, 241-242 (G. de Mohrenschildt); see also 8 H 359 (George A. Bouhe) (conversation about Leningrad, Marina's native city). 207. E.g., 1 H 92 (Marina Oswald); CE 2761, 104; CE 1401, pp. 275-276; CE 994, p. 1. 208. CE 2761. 209. CE 24, entries of Jan. 4, 5, 7, and 13, 1960, and see CE 25, pp. 1B-2B. 210. CE 24, entry of Jan. 8, 1960. 211. CE 24, entry of Mar. 16, 1960. 212. CE 24, entries of Jan. 11 and 13, 1960; CE 1109 (union membership booklet) and 1108 (workbook); CE 24, entry of Jan. 13, 1960 (700 rubles); CE 1110 (750-850 rubles); CE 1401, p. 270 (800-900 rubles ). 213. 1 H 95 (Marina Oswald). 214. CE 1401, p. 271. 215. CE 2720. 216. CE 24, entry of Jan. 13, 1960; CE 25, pp. 1B--2B; see generally 5 H 293- 294 (Snyder). 217. CE 24, entry of Jan. 4-31, 1961. 218. 1 H 93. 219. CE 2721; see also 5 H 293-294 (Snyder). 220. CE 2760. 221. 10 H 203 (Dennis Hyman Ofstein). 222. CE 25, pp. 1B-2B. 223. Ibid. 224. 5 H 407 (Marina Oswald). 225. 5 H 616 (Marina Oswald). 226. E.g., 8 H 360 (Bouhe); 9 H 145 (Paul Gregory); 9 H 79 (Gary E. Taylor); 2 H 339 (Peter Gregory).
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