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112. 13 H 159-160 (E. Pierce); 13 H 180 (J. 0. Servance): 12 H 422-423 (Dean); 12 H 173~174 (Brock); 12 H 141-144 (Arnett).
113. CE 2027, 2062; KRLD TV reel 13; but see CE 2029. 114. 12 H 67 (0. A. Jones); 12 It 112 (Talbert); 13 H 131 (J. Turner); 12 H 335- 336 (Bobby G. Patterson); 12 H 183-]84 (Combest); 12 H 360 (Roy E. Vaughn); 12 H 422 (Dean); CE 2051, 2069: Hankal DE 5337; CE 2037, 2039, 2043, 2047, 2050, 2055, 2056, 2057. 115. 12 H 36 (Curry); 12 H 10-15 (Batchelor); 12, H 97-98 (Stevenson); 15 H 134 (Stevenson); 15 H 125-127 (Curry); 15 H 115, 119 (Batchelor). 116. 12 H 164-168 (Beaty); 12 H 180 (Combest); 12 H 313 (L. Miller); 12 H 409-411 (Barnard S. Clardy); 12 H 428 (Dean); 12 H 209 (Cutchshaw); CE 2028. 117. 13 H 43 (McMillon). 118. 12 H 66 (0. A. Jones); 12 H 191 (Kenneth H. Croy); 12 H 209-210 (Cutchshaw); 12 H 270 (Harry M. Kriss); ]5 H 119-120 (Batchelor); 15 H 135 (Stevenson). 119. In addition to the testimony cited in footnotes 114 and 115, see 12 H 119 (Talbert); 12 H 150-157 (Arnett) 12 H 181 (Combest); 12 H 189 (Croy);; 12 H 275-276 (Lowery); 13 11 45 (McMillon): 12 H 287 (Billy J. Maxey); 12 H 345-346 (Putnam); 12 H 17 (Batchelor); 15 H 120 (Batchelor); 12 H 102 (Stevenson); 15 H 135 (Stevenson); 13 H 8 (L. Graves); 13 H 109 (Ira Beers): 13 H 121 (Huffaker): 13 H 127 (George R. Phenix): CE 2002; WFAA- TV reel PKT 17 38:00 47:18. 120. CE 2052, 2053. 121. 12 H 8, 15 (Batchelor); 12 H 426 (Dean); CE 2070, pp. 9, 10; KRLD-TV reel 13; WBAP-TV reel FW 1. 122. 13 H 6 (L. Graves); 13 H 28 (L. D. Montgomery); CE 2054; 15 H 594- 596 (Waldo); CE 2052, 2053, 2059; Pappas DE 4. 123. 12 H 15 (Batchelor); 15 It 117 (Batchelor); 12 H 118 (Talbert); 12 H 167 (Beaty). 124. 4 H 188-189 (Curry): 12 H 37- 38 (Curry): 15 H 125 (Curry): 4 H 233 (Fritz): 12 H 100 (Stevenson); 15 H 136 (Stevenson); 13 H 61-63 (Sorrels). 125. 7 H 155-156 (Dhority); 12 H 3,39 (R. Pierce) CE 2003, pp. 312, 314. 126. 12 H 16 (Batchelor); 12 It 68 (O. A. Jones); 12 H 100 (Stevenson). 127. 13 H 5 (L. Graves); Leavelle DE 5088:13 H 27 (Montgomery); CE 2064; CE 2003, pp. 220-221. 128. 15 H 137 (Stevenson); CE 2003, p. 171: CE 2060 12 H 391 (Wiggins); 13 H 28 (Montgomery). 129. 12 H 145-146 (Arnett): 12 287-288 (Maxey); 12 It 339-340 (R. Pierce): 12 H 345-347 (Putnam): 12 361-362 (Vaughn): 12 H 377 (James G. Watson): 12 H 427-428 (Dean); 13 H 134-135 (J. Turner). 130. 7 H 155-156 (Dhority): CE 2003, pp. 312-314; WFAA-TV reel PKT 16. 131. WFAA TV reel PKT 10: CE 2038, 2039. 2042. 132. CE 2039. 133. CE 2038, 2042. 2059, 2062. 134. McMillon DE 5018; see also 13 H 7 (L. Graves); 13 H 16-17 (Leavelle). 125. See sources cited in footnote 129. WFAA TV reel PKT-16: WFAA-TV reel PKT-10: NBC TV reel 66; KRLD-TV reel 13. 136. 13 H 29 (Montgomery); see reels cited in footnote 135. NOTES TO PAGES 212-224 137. 12 H 183 (Combest); see also 12 H 169 (Booty); 12 H 376-377 (Watson); 13 H 7, (L. Graves); 13 H 115 (Hankal); CE 205,2. 138. For testimony describing the final seconds culminating in the shooting of Oswald, see, e.g., 4 H 234-235, 243 (Fritz): 13 H 137 (J. Turner); see also WFAA TV reel PKF-10; KRLD TV reel 13; NBC-TV reel 66. 139. 12 H 434-438 (Dean); 15 It 188-189 (Talbert); Dean DE 5009, p. 2; McMillon DE 5018: see Sorrels DE 1. 140. 12 H 433 (Dean); 12 H 412 ( Clardy ). 141. C. R. Hall DE 2. 142. 13 H 71 (Sorrels); 5 H 181-213 (Jack Ruby); C. R. Hall DE 3, p. 11. 143. CE 2025; 13 H 22.1-226 (D. Lane). 144. KRLD-TV reel 13. 145. 12 H 348-349 (Willie B. Slack); 12 H 392 (Wiggins); 13 H 90-91 (Frances Cason): 13 H 96 (Hardin); 13 H 101 (Hulse); 13 H 239-243 (Priddy); Michael Hardin I)E 5125, 5126, 5127; F. Cason DE 5135; CE 2022; see also reels cited in footnote 138. 146. CE 2002, pp. 112-113; CE 2026. 147. Compare Dean DE 5009, p. 2 and 12 II 228-234 (N.J. Daniels) with 12 H 434 (Dean) and 12 H 412 (Clardy). See also 12 H 347 (Putnam) and KRLD-TV reel ]3: C. R. Hall DE 3, pp. 11, 12, which suggests that the Pierce car may have passed Ruby before Putnam entered the car, which would have been at the bottom, rather than the top, of the Main Street ramp. 148. 13 H 135-137 (J. Turner). 149. 12 H 323-329, 332-334 (Newman); 12 It 192-193 (K. H. Croy). Cf. 12 H 262-264 (Howard B. Holly); 12 H 89-90 (Solo- 150. 12 H 232 (N.J. Daniels). 151.12 H 228 234 (Daniels); Daniels DE 5325; Compare 12 H 362-363 (Vaughn); Vaughn DE 5325, p. 2. 152. N.J. Daniels DE 5325, pp. 1-2; 12 H 369 (Vaughn). 153. 12 H 359-362 (Vaughn); CE 2034, 2035, 2043. 2058. 154. 12 H 359-362 (R. Pierce) 12 H 346 347 (Putnam); 12 H 287 (Maxey): see also CE 2035, 2063; 15 H 681-685 (Harry T. Tasker). 155. 12 H 212, 215-216; Cutchshaw); Lowery DE 5083. ]56. KRLD-TV reel 13. 157. 13 H 132-136 (J. Turner). 158. KRLD TV reel 13. 159. CE 2071. 160. KRLD-TV reel 13; 15 H 117-118 ( Batchelor ). 161. See sources in note 112. 162 CE 2003 pp. 260 261a; 12 H 49- 50 (McMillon); C. R. Hall DE 3, pp. 11, 12: CE 2182. 163. KLIF reel 75 (Duncan interview with Sergeant Dean), Nov. 24, 1963. 164. See supra, p. 212. 165. CE 2030; Vaughn DE 5335: Putnam DE 5071. 166. See sources in footnote 152. 12 H 190 (Croy). 167. CE 2002. 168. 5 H 198 199 (Jack Ruby); 14 H 545 (Jack Ruby). 169. See Commission Exhibits in footnote 74. 170. See app. XVI. 171. 14 H 167, 191-192 (Curry). 172. 12 H 427, 420 (Dean). 173. 12 H 156-157 (Arnett): 12 H 192 194 (Croy): 12 H 252-253 (Win. J. Harrison); King DE 3. 174. KRLD TV reel 13.
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