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Warren Commission Report: Page 359« Previous | Next »

(CHAPTER VI - Investigation of Possible Conspiracy)

tack on Oswald. Neither the FBI nor the CIA has been able to provide any information that Ralph Paul or Breck Wall ever engaged in any form of subversive activity.1123

Moreover, Mrs. Helmick's reliability is undermined by her failure to report her information to any investigative official until June 9, 1964.1124 Although a sister-in-law confirms that Mrs. Helmick wrote her "something about a gun" shortly after the shooting,1125 the only mention of any statement by Paul which was included in a letter writ ten by Mrs. Helmick after the Ruby trial was that Paul believed Ruby was "not in his right mind." 1126 No corroborating witness named by Mrs. Helmick has been found who remembers the conversations she mentioned. 1127 Both Ruby and Paul have denied that anything was said, as Mrs. Helmick suggests, about a gun or an intent to shoot Oswald, and Wall has stated that Ruby did not discuss such matters with him.1128 Even if Mrs. Helmick is accurate the statements ascribed to Paul indicate only that he may have heard of a possible reference .by Ruby to shooting Oswald. According to her, Paul's response was to exclaim "Are you crazy?" But under no circumstances does the report of Mrs. Helmick or any other fact support a belief that Paul or Wall was involved in the shooting of Oswald.

The Commission has conducted an investigation of the telephone call Ruby received from Karen Carlin at 10:19 Sunday morning to determine whether that call was prearranged for the purpose of conveying information about the transfer of Oswald or to provide Ruby an excuse for being near the police department. The Commission has examined the records of long-distance telephone calls on Sunday morning for Jack Ruby,1129 the Carlins,1130 the Dallas police,1131 and several other persons 1132 and has found no sign of any indirect communication to Ruby through Mr. or Mrs. Carlin. No other evidence showing any link between the Carlins and the shooting of Oswald has been developed.

Ruby and Oswald Were Not Acquainted

The possibility of a prior acquaintanceship between Ruby and Oswald has been suggested by some persons who viewed the shooting on television and believed that a look of recognition appeared on Oswald's face as Ruby moved toward him in the jail basement. The Commission has examined the television tapes and movie films which were made as Oswald moved through the basement and has observed no facial expressions which can be interpreted as signifying recognition of Ruby by Oswald. It is doubtful even that Oswald could have seen Ruby sufficiently clearly to discern his identity since Oswald was walking from a dark corridor into "the flash from the many cameras" and the lights of TV cameramen which were "blinding." 1133 In addition to such generalized suspicion, there have been numerous specific allegations that Oswald was seen in the company of Ruby prior to November 22, often at Ruby's Carousel Club. All such allegations have been investigated, but the Commission has found none which
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