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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 70« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Lydia Dymitruk)

Mr. Jenner.
It was in the summertime?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
In summertime. Just before we close up the store. I think was in July, or maybe June. I'm not sure.
Mr. Jenner.
All right.
Mrs. Dymitruk.
That's the last time I saw her.
Mr. Jenner.
That's the last time you saw Marina?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Mr. Jenner.
And is that the last time you had even any indirect contact-- people speaking of her--that is, prior to November 22---did you hear about her in between?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Mr. Jenner.
Not at all?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Mr. Jenner.
When you were assisting them with their child and went to their apartment, that apartment was here in Dallas, was it?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Yes; I think it was in Oak Cliff.
Mr. Jenner.
In Oak Cliff?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
I think was in Oak Cliff.
Mr. Jenner.
In your driving to the clinic that evening with Lee Oswald and Marina and the baby and your returning home that night, was there any discussion at any time, other than you have already indicated, of his views with respect to Russia?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
It was Just only about the hospitalization.
Mr. Jenner.
Only the hospitalization?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Yes, sir; that's right.
Mr. Jenner.
Did you learn, during the course of those visits with Marina and the visit to the hospital with both of them, as to whether he had been in Russia?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
I knew; yes.
Mr. Jenner.
You knew that before---well, I'll ask you this: How did you know he had been to Russia?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
I knew from George Bouhe.
Mr. Jenner.
From George Bouhe?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Yes; he told me about it--uh--one person who went to Russia and then he come back with Russian wife and a baby--back to United States. "Well," I say, "that's one thing--that he learned something. To go to Russia and he didn't like it and then he come back. He was just lucky that he did come back to United States."
Mr. Jenner.
He was fortunate that he could come back?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
That's right.
Mr. Jenner.
In your talks with Marina that morning, when you were taking her to the hospital and you brought her back, you were with her a good many hours?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Oh--let me see. It was maybe till 2 o'clock--2:30 maybe.
Mr. Jenner.
Did she say anything about the circumstances of her meeting Oswald in Russia? Did she tell you anything about her life or their lives in Russia and their life here in the United States? Did you girls have some smalltalk?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
It was just about life in United States; not in Russia.
Mr. Jenner.
Not in Russia?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
She told me that her husband want to go back to Russia.
Mr. Jenner.
Oh, she did?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
"And I don't want to go," she say.
Mr. Jenner.
Fine. Tell me about that. Was it, to the best of your recollection, that her husband wanted to go back to Russia, including himself and her?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
Mr. Jenner.
Or was it that he wanted her to go back to Russia and he was going to stay here?
Mrs. Dymitruk.
No; he wanted to go with her.
Mr. Jenner.
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