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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. IX - Page 301« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Jeanne De Mohrenschildt Resumed)

Mr. Jenner.
all of a sudden, boom, the cannon shot, about a yard from me in the water. So, of course, we went right under the water in the cave and we were sitting there--what are we going to do? We are quite far, an hour or so from our hotel in a canoe. We thought, well, they shot at us, they probably think something, they are going to come and talk with us. So we are sitting there waiting for them to come to talk to us, but nobody came.
So we sat for a couple of hours. Finally, we got disgusted. So we dived in, swam a little, behind the rocks, we got out on the seashore. Somebody gave us a ride back to the hotel. And this time he really got angry. He made complaint to the government, and some of their officials came over to discuss it, and said that was just unintentional, it was another accident. The little island we thought was completely empty, not a soul on it, they had fortification on that island. So that is what happened to us in Yugoslavia.
When George told me the American people thought he was making sketches of something, I said I can understand the Yugoslavs thinking such things, but I said I couldn't understand about the United States Government.
Mr. Jenner.
Well, they don't know at the time. They just see somebody doing some sketching.
Mrs. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes; just like in Haiti, every day--he went for a walk in the mountains, sometimes with me, sometimes with Nero.
Mr. Jenner.
Nero is one of your pups?
Mrs. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes; he is the one that made the trip. So, of course, Haitians--they almost called him Longaron-- that is a werewolf, Lougrow. So that could get him in trouble, too. But Haitians are very mild people. They just enjoyed it.
Mr. Jenner.
When did you leave Europe on that occasion?
Mrs. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. When--1957?
Mr. Jenner.
Mrs. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. I cannot tell you exactly. But it was in the fall.
Mr. Jenner.
Did you both return to the United States together?
Mrs. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Oh, no; he stayed there for quite a while. He stayed there much longer. He returned in November, because I remember right after he returned Clark was in New York.
Mr. Jenner.
That is I. Clark?
Mrs. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. And in fact he went with me to meet him at the airport, and we talked and talked and talked, and they talked me into going back to Texas, which I wanted anyway. So then we returned together to Texas. We went to visit his brother first, in Dartmouth.
Mr. Jenner.
At Hanover, N.H.?
Mrs. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes; and then we drove slowly--we drove through Florida, because I had never been in Florida, never saw it--St. Augustine. We have a convertible car always, so we like to drive close to the sea, so we can stop and bait And then through Pensacola, through New Orleans. We stopped in New Orleans, with his old, old friends, the Crumps, but they are dead now, I believe. They have tremendous gardenia gardens there. We arrived Thanksgiving Day at Dallas.
Mr. Jenner.
Of what year?
Mrs. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. It was 1957; still 1957.
Mr. Jenner.
Now, do you recall your husband making a trip to Ghana?
Mrs. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes; he did. I believe it was in 1958, in late spring.
Mr. Jenner.
Mrs. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Not for long. It was about 3 weeks or so.
Mr. Jenner.
That was for what purpose? What did you understand it to be for?
Mrs. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. Well, to make--he was working for some people, for the company, to find out if there is any possibilities for oil, and he made some reports. In fact, his reports were printed even in the National Geographic. He did very good research. And the things he said now came true. They discovered a tremendous amount of oil in Nigeria.
Mr. Jenner.
Nigeria and Ghana, are they the same?
Mrs. DE MOHRENSCHILDT. They are not the same, but they are close. He was in Ghana, Togoland, and Nigeria. You see, you can trace the lines throughout
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