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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VIII - Page 419« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Mrs. Frank H. (Valentina) Ray)

Mrs. Ray.
her aunt. Now, I don't know if Marina told me that or I got that information from Mrs. Ford or some of the other people that I know.
Mr. Liebeler.
Would you say you are a friend of Mrs. Ford's?
Mrs. Ray.
I have known Mrs. Ford for a long time. I would say yes. I mean she is not my very closest friend but she is a friend; yes. I see her now and then three or four times a year maybe sometimes more. She is the first Russian I met here in Dallas.
Mr. Liebeler.
Were you at the Ford's party between Christmas and New Year's, 1962?
Mrs. Ray.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember seeing Oswald there?
Mrs. Ray.
Yes; I do. I got there early because I had to bring some hor d'oeuvres for the party and they walked in and I was very much surprised to see them. I just said "Hello, how's the baby?" She said "Fine" and then I went and started immediately with the other people He is so hard to talk to and this was a party and I did not want to spend my time drawing it out of him and thought I would go where there is better conversation going on and I did and in about an hour or so, it seems like they were gone. I just spoke that one time "Hello, how is the baby" and made few comments. They did not stay very long and I think that is first time she ever left baby with baby sitter; somebody was taking care.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you know how Oswald came to the party?
Mrs. Ray.
Yes; later on "Katya"----
Mr. Liebeler.
That is K-a-t-y-a [spelling]?
Mrs. Ray.
Katya told me that is Mrs. Ford--George De Mohren--it's something; I don't know him very well at all.
Mr. Liebeler.
De Mohrenschildt?
Mrs. Ray.
Yes; they brought them to the party.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you hear any conversation about the Oswalds after the Oswalds left the party?
Mrs. Ray.
Mr. Liebeler.
Were you present at any discussions over this weekend or during the period following the Ford party in which the question of whether or not Oswald was an agent of the Soviet Union was discussed?
Mrs. Ray.
No; in fact, I have not seen anybody after the party for--normally, I don't see any of the Russians that were at the time of the party. We usually see each other maybe once, twice year; one time at "Katya's" house and maybe I give one, so I did not see anyone since that party except Mrs. Ford and we did not discuss anything about Oswald at all. I might have mentioned what is he doing, where he's work and she did not say. I really have no information after that party. I did not discuss them with anybody that I can remember and I know I never discussed about him being an agent, and neither have heard it from anybody. Nobody said to me or implied he was connected in any way, you know, with Russia in any way at all. Nobody ever mention it to me and I have never discussed it with anyone.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did Oswald ever indicate to you that he wanted to go back to Russia?
Mrs. Ray.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you ever hear that he wanted to go back to Russia?
Mrs. Ray.
Not until after this all came out in the papers after the assassination.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you ever have any political discussions with Oswald?
Mrs. Ray.
Not--I do not know enough because I do not know anything about politics. Let us say I could not discuss it intelligently, therefore, I usually stay away from that subject.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you form an opinion of Marina Oswald prior to the assassination based on your exposure to her?
Mrs. Ray.
Yes; I felt terribly sorry for her. I felt, that Lee probably would never make her any kind of a living the way he was, just made so little money and did not want her to have any friends, did not want her to learn how to speak English, objected to her wearing makeup; anything she did he objected to, almost everything, and I felt sorry for her because I felt she would be a very
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