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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VIII - Page 351« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Max E. Clark)

Mr. Liebeler.
Did he indicate the U.S. Government had given him or Marina any difficulty about them returning?
Mr. Clark.
None whatsoever; the reason they hadn't because he had not renounced his citizenship. I said "I thought you said you turned in your passport and wanted to become a Soviet citizen?" He said "I did turn in my passport but they didn't make me a Soviet citizen so I did not renounce my citizenship. So when I made application to come back", he said "They couldn't keep me out."
Mr. Liebeler.
He ascribed this failure for this part to the renouncing of his American citizenship to the refusal of the Russians to make him a citizen?
Mr. Clark.
That's right.
Mr. Liebeler.
He did not mention the U.S. Embassy or Moscow had refused to permit him to return?
Mr. Clark.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did he indicate any hostility toward the State Department or Embassy or Moscow?
Mr. Clark.
He did not seem hostile with anyone in particular. He just thought everyone was out of step but him. He was rather an arrogant-talking person.
Mr. Liebeler.
He did not mention specifically any government official, President Kennedy, Governor Connally?
Mr. Clark.
No one.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did he tell you about his service in the Marine Corps?
Mr. Clark.
Nothing except he was very unhappy while in the Marine Corps. He didn't like any part of it.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did that come up in connection with his comparison of life in the Soviet Union with life in the Marine Corps?
Mr. Clark.
I would ask him "How would you classify life in the Soviet Union; you say everyone has a job and everyone gets a salary whether they work or not?" He said just that they have to work. There may be five people for each job and if you apply at a factory they got to put you on; and I said "What prevents everyone from migrating from one place to another if they have to take you if you make application?" He said "It's a fact they control the movement of employees by the lack of places to live and assignment of apartments."
Mr. Liebeler.
He did not mention to you he received an undesirable discharge from the Marine Corps?
Mr. Clark.
No; he did not.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you know about it at that time?
Mr. Clark.
Mr. Liebeler.
Who told you that?
Mr. Clark.
I think it was in the paper. I felt pretty sure anyone that would be a defector they would probably give him a dishonorable discharge.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did any of the other members or any of the members of the so-called Russian Community in the Dallas-Fort Worth area ever raise with you the question of whether they should associate with Oswald; whether he was a safe person for them to associate with him or have anything to do with him?
Mr. Clark.
I think everyone was discussing that as to whether or not they should especially when he first came back and all of them asked me and I said "In my opinion he is a defector and you know what he is"; I said "You should not hold that against this girl Marina. She's having a hard time. He's beating her up, everything is strange to her, she can't speak the language, I don't think you should ostracize her because of Oswald." Most of them had absolutely no use for Oswald and they discussed all the time they hated to let this girl get beat up and kicked around by this Oswald without at least trying to look after her. I told them I didn't see anything wrong in looking after this girl. I said "As far as Oswald coming back here you can be assured or bet that when he returned to the United States the FBI has got him tagged and is watching his movements or I would be very much surprised."
Mr. Liebeler.
If they didn't----
Mr. Clark.
If they didn't, I said "You know that they know exactly where
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