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(Testimony of John E. Donovan)Do you think of anything else that might be helpful to us in trying to figure out what sort of a man Oswald was? The reason I remember his first name, it always struck me as strange that someone named Sherman would live in Louisiana. Another boy's name is Dejanovich. That is phonetic. Dejanovich lived in Chicago, and after I was discharged from the service I called him on the phone a couple of times, passing through there. Another guy that would know him is a boy named Jurarado, I believe. I don't know how much these boys knew about him. They are just people that were there at the same time. Do you recall any of Oswald's former marines calling him Oswaldovich, or anything that sounded like that? Testimony of Allison G. , Lt. Col, Usmc FolsomThe testimony of Allison G. Folsom, Lt. Col., USMG, was taken at 1:15 p.m., on May 1, 1964, at 200 Maryland Avenue NE. Washington, D.C., by Mr. John Hart Ely, member of the staff of the President's Commission.Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Colonel FOLSOM. I do. Staff members have been, authorized to take the testimony of witnesses by the Commission pursuant to authority granted to the Commission by Executive Order No. 11130, dated November 29, 1963, and Joint Resolution of Congress No. 137. Under the Commission rules for the taking of testimony, each witness is to be provided with a copy of the Executive order and of the joint resolution and a copy of the rules that the Commission has adopted governing the taking of testimony from witnesses. I have provided you with these documents, is that correct? Colonel FOLSOM. This is true. You did not have 3 days' notice. However, each witness can waive that notice requirement if he wishes, and I assume that your presence here indicates you are willing to waive that notice requirement. Colonel FOLSOM. It is waived. Colonel FOLSOM. Lt. Col. Allison G. Folsom, Jr., U.S. Marine Corps.
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