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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VIII - Page 219« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Dr. Renatus Hartogs)

Mr. Liebeler.
Dr. HARTOGS. Yes; I do that, either a mental hospital or training school or residential treatment center, but I do not recall in this case what I recommended.
Mr. Liebeler.
But you do recall quite clearly that you did recommend, because of this boy's personality pattern, disturbance?
Dr. HARTOGS. Yes; that he should not be placed in the community.
Mr. Liebeler.
Or placed on probation?
Dr. HARTOGS. Yes; that is right.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you recall being interviewed on this question by the FBI?
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember approximately when they interviewed you?
Dr. HARTOGS. No; I don't know the date.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember that you told them the same thing, that is, that you recommended institutionalizing Oswald as a result of his psychiatric examination which indicated that he was potentially dangerous?
Mr. Liebeler.
Would you tell us how you first became aware, after the assassination, that Lee Oswald was a child with whom you had had previous contact?
Dr. HARTOGS. The first time was, I read it in the newspaper, Justice Kelley, you know, Florence Kelley, made a statement to the press that Oswald had been in the Youth House, and she revealed details of the psychiatric report which immediately made me aware of the fact that I was the one to examine the child, because this was my wording.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you remember the wording?
Dr. HARTOGS. For instance, incipient schizophrenia, I think she used; potentially dangerous is something which I use. These are some of the expressions.
Mr. Liebeler.
These expressions are peculiar to your particular type of work?
Mr. Liebeler.
And not generally used by others?
Dr. HARTOGS. And by me generally in dealing with children.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you keep the newspaper clipping by any chance that indicated this?
Dr. HARTOGS. No, no.
Mr. Liebeler.
What did you do after you learned or became aware that Oswald was a child with whom you had had contact?
Dr. HARTOGS. I didn't do anything. I didn't do anything, but the New York Times sent a reporter, and he questioned me on whether I was the one to examine this child, because they read it, and I said that I did not know for sure, but it is possible.
And what happened then? Then very soon the FBI came in here and said, "You are the doctor who examined Oswald," and from then on I know for sure that it was me, because they must have read a report.
Mr. Liebeler.
Now, up until the time that the FBI came and said that you were the doctor who interviewed Oswald, did you still have some doubt in your mind as to whether you had actually interviewed the boy?
Dr. HARTOGS. I was not convinced, I was not sure, until I then reconstructed everything in my mind.
Mr. Liebeler.
As you have indicated, by recalling ----
Dr. HARTOGS. That is right, then I recalled everything.
Mr. Liebeler.
Did you make any statement to television people in connection with this at all?
Dr. HARTOGS. About Oswald?
Mr. Liebeler.
Dr. HARTOGS. No; on the day after President Kennedy died, the television people asked me to make a statement on television in general about why somebody might kill the President. I did not mention any name. I did not refer to any individual. I just made some general psychiatric remarks as to what kind of a person would kill the President.
Mr. Liebeler.
Do you recall approximately what you said?
Dr. HARTOGS. That a person who would commit such an act has been very likely a mentally disturbed person, who has a personal grudge against persons in authority, and very likely is a person who in his search to overcome his own
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