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(Testimony of Helen Markham)(At this point the proceedings were recessed and resumed at 11:40 a.m., as follows:) Mr. LIEBELER. This is Mr. John Joe Howlett with the Secret Service and he has brought over the tape recorder and has put the tape on it and we will continue with your deposition, Mrs. Markham. Mr. Howlett, with the U.S. Secret Service, will operate the tape recorder and I will ask you, Mrs. Markham, to listen, to this conversation and tell us whether or not this is an accurate reflection of a conversation that you had over the telephone some time ago? The COURT REPORTER. How much of this tape recording do you want on the record here? (At this point Mr. Howlett proceeded to play the tape recording of the telephone conversation heretofore referred to and when the witness, Mrs. Markham, began to indicate reactions to the recorded conversation, the reporter resumed recording same as hereinafter shown and the record here begins with the question and answer at the time Mrs. Markham began indicating her reactions.) "Mr. LANE. I wonder if you would be good enough to tell me--I have your affidavit which you gave the police on that date. "Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir. "Mr. LANE. And I have read that, of course, and I wonder if you would be good enough to talk to me?" John Joe, let's stop the recorder for a moment. What do you mean to indicate by that? "Mr. LANE. Tell me the description of the man whom you saw. "Mrs. MARKHAM. This is an office business phone and I just can't tell you that. I don't have the time to. "Mr. LANE. Well, could you just give me one moment and tell me--I read where you told some of the reporters that he was short and stocky and had bushy hair. "Mrs. MARKHAM. No, no; I did not say that. "Mr. LANE. You did not say that? "Mrs. MARKHAM. No, sir.
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