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(Testimony of Kenneth P. O'donnell)Mr. O'DONNELL. It accelerated, I would think, right about at the time that Agent Hill grabbed onto the back of the car, which would be just a few seconds after the last shot. Mr. O'DONNELL. Very rapidly. I would guess between 60 and 70 miles an hour. Mr. O'DONNELL. I would guess 5 to 10 minutes. Mr. O'DONNELL. Right behind it, 5 or 6 feet. Mr. O'DONNELL. We got out of the car. David Powers got out of the car, went over to the President, and was not visible to me, and was crying, he laid on him. And then they came and took the President---that was the first time I really realized that Governor Connally had been badly hurt, as they also carried Governor Connally out. Mr. O'DONNELL. I believe somebody had helped her out and taken her into the hospital. Mr. O'DONNELL. When they took him out, I was standing maybe 3 or 4 feet behind him. There was a wall of people between myself. I didn't see him, nor did I look. Mr. O'DONNELL. I don't. Mr. O'DONNELL. I don't. Mr. O'DONNELL. I think they had stretchers. As I say, I was far enough back at that moment that they were milling around, and so many people between my vision and what they were doing, I did not see. I could not be accurate on that. Mr. O'DONNELL. I went into the hospital and went right to Mrs. Kennedy. She was seated right outside the room where they had placed the President. I would say she was in a total daze, and as yet not knowing whether there was any hope or not. Mr. O'DONNELL. Well, I stayed with her for a few minutes, and then no one seemed to be able to get any conclusive answer as to the President's condition. As I said, I had seen the shots so clearly, I had a pretty clear view. The first thing I had done I asked them to get a priest, which they did immediately. I went into the room. There were four or five doctors there. Dr. Burkley I think was there. And I said, "I think we better get a definite answer one way or another--is there any hope at all?" I was unable to get a conclusive answer. But I think I got the answer I needed. I don't know how Mrs. Kennedy was finally told. I may have told her about at that moment. Between the time and the time I knew definitely, I went to see the Vice President. Mr. O'DONNELL. Mrs. Johnson was with him and an agent who at the time I did not know. I believe it is Youngblood. Mr. O'DONNELL. He was in a room across the hall. You had to go directly across what would probably be the reception room, which was open to the public, and into another room. And I recollect I turned to my right, and he was over more or less in the corner with a screen. He was standing on the right, Mrs. Johnson, I believe, was sitting, the agent was standing at the door.
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