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(Testimony of Kenneth P. O'donnell)Mr. O'DONNELL. I would think that is right. As I say, we were on schedule, and the schedule would indicate we were due to arrive at 1 :30. Mr. O'DONNELL. We motorcaded through San Antonio and went to the Aerospace Medical Center, where the President made a speech, and from there to a second airport. We had moved Air Force I from one airfield to another, on the other side of the city. Mr. O'DONNELL. Yes. Mr. O'DONNELL. No. Mr. O'DONNELL. We flew to Houston. Mr. O'DONNELL. I would have to look at the record. Mr. O'DONNELL. Late in the afternoon, I would think around 4 or 5 o'clock. Mr. O'DONNELL. We drove from the airfield into the hotel. As I recollect, there were very large crowds. Mr. O'DONNELL. Motorcade; and particularly as we got in downtown Houston, the crowds were very large, and very enthusiastic. Getting in the hotel was somewhat of a chore. Mr. O'DONNELL. The President spoke at the appreciation dinner for Congressman Thomas. The records will show the location. I did not accompany him. And I went directly from the hotel to the airport, and met him as he got aboard the plane. Mr. O'DONNELL. Well, I would have to guess again. I would think around 10:30 or 11 o'clock. The alternative was staying overnight in Houston, getting in early in the morning---or getting into Fort Worth late at night, and allowing the President a little more rest, and we selected going to Fort Worth that night. Mr. O'DONNELL. He spoke at 8 o'clock that morning at a breakfast which was given by the business community, as I remember, came back up to his room, chatted for a few minutes, went back down. It had been raining. The sun had just come out. He went out and spoke to a group assembled in the parking lot and went back and departed for---came back upstairs, we chatted for a few minutes again, and then came back down and departed for Carswell. Mr. O'DONNELL. He left Fort Worth in an open car, traveled by car to Carswell. Mr. O'DONNELL. Air Force I to Love Field, Dallas? Mr. O'DONNELL. The weather was clear, sunny, excellent weather. Mr. O'DONNELL. The. decision had been made to have an open--if the weather was good, he would ride in an open car.
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