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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VII - Page 367« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of William J. Waldman)

Mr. Belin.
microfilm record we viewed upstairs showing the actual coupon and the envelope in which the coupon was enclosed; is that correct?
Mr. Waldman.
That's correct.
Mr. Belin.
And do you have any general advertising program whereby you advertise in gun magazines?
Mr. Waldman.
We do.
Mr. Belin.
Can you just give us one or more of the magazines in which this coupon might have been taken?
Mr. Waldman.
Well, this coupon was specifically taken from American Rifleman Magazine, issue of February 1963. It's identified by the department number which is shown as--now, if I can read this--shown as Department 358 on the coupon.
Mr. Belin.
And that number also appears in the address on the envelope to you, is that correct, or to your company?
Mr. Waldman.
That's correct.
Mr. Belin.
Now, I believe that you said the total amount was $19.95, plus $1.50 for shipping charges, or $21.45; is that correct?
Mr. Waldman.
The $1.50 is for both shipping charges and handling.
Mr. Belin.
I hand you what has been marked as Commission Exhibit No. 788, which appears to be a U.S. postal money order payable to the order of Klein's Sporting Goods, and marked that it's from a purchaser named A. Hidell, and as the purchaser's street address is Post Office Box No. 2915, and the purchaser's City, Dallas, Tex.; March 12, 1963: and underneath the amount of $21.45, the number 2,202,130,462. And on the reverse side there appears to be an endorsement of a bank.
I wonder if you would read that endorsement, if you would, and examine it, please.
Mr. Waldman.
This is a stamped endorsement reading "Pay to the order of the First National Bank of Chicago," followed by our account No. 50 space 91144, and that, in turn, followed by "Klein's Sporting Goods, Inc."
Mr. Belin.
Do you know whether or not that is your company's endorsement on that money order?
Mr. Waldman.
It's identical to our endorsement.
Mr. Belin.
And I hand you what has been marked as Waldman Deposition Exhibit No. 9 and ask you if you can state what this is.
Mr. Waldman.
This is our endorsement stamp which reads the same as that shown on the money order in question.
Mr. Belin.
You have just now stamped Waldman Deposition Exhibit No. 9 with your endorsement stamp?
Mr. Waldman.
Mr. Belin.
Do you have any way of knowing when exactly this money order was deposited by your company?
Mr. Waldman.
I cannot specifically say when this money order was deposited by our company; however, as previously stated, a money order for $21.45 passed through our cash register on March 13, 1963.
Mr. Belin.
You're reading from Waldman---
Mr. Waldman.
From a Mr. A. Hidell of Post Office Box No. 2915, from Dallas, Tex.
Mr. Belin.
And you are now reading from Waldman Deposition Exhibit No. 7?
Mr. Waldman.
As indicated on Waldman Deposition Exhibit No. 7. Now, we cannot specifically say when this money order was deposited, but on our deposit of March 13, 1963, we show an item of $21.45, as indicated on the Xerox copy of our deposit slip marked, or identified by--as Waldman Deposition Exhibit No. 10.
Mr. Belin.
And I have just marked as a document what you are reading from, which appears to be a deposit with the First National Bank of Chicago by your company; is that correct?
Mr. Waldman.
That's correct.
Mr. Belin.
And on that deposit, one of the items is $21.45, out of a total deposit that day of $13,827.98; is that correct?
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