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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VII - Page 305« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Harry D. Holmes)

Mr. Holmes.
around, and he had no particular animosity toward him. I remember that distinctly.
Mr. Belin.
Did he seem to have any animosity toward President Kennedy?
Mr. Holmes.
Mr. Belin.
Now, take a look at the first paragraph on page 3 and read that and see if there is anything you care to add to that?
Mr. Holmes.
No; I believe not.
Mr. Belin.
What about the fifth paragraph on the page?
Mr. Holmes.
I haven't discussed that.
Mr. Belin.
Is there anything you would care to add to that?
Mr. Holmes.
No, sir. That is as he stated it.
Mr. Belin.
What about the last paragraph on page 3?
Mr. Holmes.
That is as I recall it at the time.
Mr. Belin.
Now, in the last paragraph on page 3, it says that when asked why he went to visit his wife on Thursday night, whereas he normally visited her on the weekends, and he said on that particular weekend there was going to be a party for children. They were having a house full of children and he didn't want to be around at such a time. And, therefore, he made the weekly visit on Thursday night?
Mr. Holmes.
That's right.
Mr. Belin.
Did anyone question him about curtain rods, that you remember?
Mr. Holmes.
Mr. Belin.
What was that about curtain rods?
Mr. Holmes.
Asked him if he brought a sack out when he got in the car with this young fellow that hauled him and he said, "Yes."
"What was in the sack?"
"Well, my lunch."
"What size sack did you have?"
He said, "Oh, I don't know what size sack. You don't always get a sack that fits your sandwiches. It might be a big sack."
"Was it a long sack?''
"Well, it could have been"
"What did you do with it?"
"Carried it in my lap."
"You didn't put it over in the back seat?"
"No." He said he wouldn't have done that.
"Well, someone said the fellow that hauled you said you had a long package which you said was curtain rods you were taking to somebody at work and you laid it over on the back seat."
He said, "Well, they was just mistaken. That must have been some other time he picked me up."
That is all he said about it.
Mr. Belin.
Were there any other questions asked about curtain rods.
Mr. Holmes.
I don't recall.
Mr. Belin.
All right, I turn to the top of page 4, which is the next paragraph, and I see that you have this recorded in your memorandum. You have this all recorded here except you don't mention the sentence about the curtain rods?
Mr. Holmes.
So that has been elaborated on in that paragraph.
Mr. Belin.
All right, anything else you care to elaborate on that first paragraph on page 4?
Mr. Holmes.
I believe not.
Mr. Belin.
All right, the second paragraph on page 4 pertaining to his whereabouts at the time of the shooting. Would you care to elaborate on that?
Mr. Holmes.
I believe it is just about as I have stated. No elaboration.
Mr. Belin.
Then the third paragraph on page 4 was about an A. J. Hidell identification card. Would you care to read that and see if there is anything on that?
Mr. Holmes.
I believe not.
Mr. Belin.
By the way, where did this policeman stop him when he was coming down the stairs at the Book Depository on the day of the shooting?
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