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(Testimony of Dr. Robert Shaw)
Dr. SHAW. Yes; the shock of the wounding might have prevented him from hearing the rifle report.
Mr. SPECTER. Would you have expected him to hear a third shot after he was wounded by a second shot? Dr. SHAW. He didn't lose consciousness at that time, although he said he did lose consciousness during a part of the trip from the point of wounding to the hospital. Mr. SPECTER. Did Governor Connally tell you whether or not he heard President Kennedy say anything? Dr. SHAW. He said that all he heard was the President say, "Oh," that's the only thing he told me. Mr. SPECTER. Did Mrs. Connally state whether or not she heard the President say anything? Dr. SHAW. My memory isn't good for that. I don't remember what Mrs. Connally told me on that. Mr. SPECTER. Are you continuing to treat Governor Connally at the present time? Dr. SHAW. Yes, although the treatment of the chest is practically at an end, because the chest has reached a satisfactory state of healing. Mr. SPECTER. Did you continue to treat the Governor all during his stay at Parkland Hospital ? Dr. SHAW. Yes, I attended him several times daily. Mr. SPECTER. Dr. Shaw, would you think it consistent with the facts that you know as to Governor Connally's wounds that he could have been struck by the same bullet which passed through President Kennedy, assuming that a missile with the muzzle velocity of 2,000 feet per second, a 6.5-millimeter bullet, passed through President Kennedy at a distance of 160 to 250 feet from the rifle, passing through President Kennedy's body, entering on his back and striking only soft tissue and exiting on his neck; could that missile have also gone through Governor Connally's chest in your opinion ? Dr. SHAW. Yes, taking your description of the first wound sustained by the President, which I, myself, did not observe, and considering the position of the two men in the limousine, I think it would be perfectly possible for the first bullet to have passed through the soft tissues of the neck of President Kennedy and produced the wounds that we found on Governor Connally. Mr. SPECTER. Could that bullet then have produced all the wounds that you found on Governor Connally ? Dr. SHAW. Yes, I would still be postulating that Governor Connally was struck by one missile. Mr. SPECTER. Now, as you sit here at the moment on your postulation that Governor Connally was struck by one missile, is that in a way which is depicted by diagram No. 5 on the exhibit heretofore marked as "Dr. Gregory's Exhibit No. 1?" Dr. SHAW. Yes; I feel that the line of trajectory as marked on this diagram is accurate as it could be placed from my memory of this wound. Dr. SHAW. My postulation would be from volar to dorsal. Mr. SPECTER. Now, then, going back to diagram No. 1, Dr. Shaw, there is one factor that we did not call your attention to or have you testify about, and that is--the marking that the exit is on the volar side and the entry is on the dorsal side as it was remarked by Dr. Gregory, that would then be inconsistent of your view of the situation, would it not? Dr. SHAW. Yes, it would be. Mr. SPECTER. And similarly on diagram No. 3, where the exit is marked on the volar, and the entry is marked on the dorsal, that would also be inconsistent with your view of the situation ? Dr. SHAW. Yes---he has the wound on the back being quite a bit larger than the wound on the front here, doesn't he? Dr. SHAW. That wasn't my memory.
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