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Warren Commission Hearings: Vol. VI - Page 108« Previous | Next »

(Testimony of Dr. T. Shires George)

Mr. Specter.
apparent position that he was in in the car, which would explain one missile producing all three wounds.
Mr. Specter.
Did you have a discussion with Mrs. Connally?
Dr. SHIRES. Yes; with Mrs. Connally.
Mr. Specter.
And when was that discussion?
Dr. SHIRES. Right after the surgery---this was the 22d, late in the afternoon.

Mr. SPECTER. And what, if anything, did she tell you as to the Governor's position?
Dr. SHIRES. She had thought, and I think correctly so, that he had turned to his right after he heard the first shot, apparently, to see what had happened to the President, and he then later confirmed this, that he heard the first shot, turned to his right, and then was hit. I forgot about that a moment ago, incidentally. He definitely remembers turning after hearing the first shot, before he was struck with a bullet. I forgot about that.
Mr. Specter.
When did Governor Connally tell you that?
I)r. SHIRES. Oh, several days later.
Mr. Specter.
While he was in the hospital?
Dr. SHIRES. Oh, yes---4 or 5 days later and we were constructing the events.
Mr. Specter.
What was the occasion for your conversation with him?

Dr. SHIRES. In part of his routine care one morning, as he was reconstructing his memory of events, because his memory was quite hazy, since he had a sucking wound of the chest and came in here relatively in anoxia, he had some cyanosis, as you know.
Mr. Specter.
What is cyanosis?
Dr. SHIRES. Not enough oxygen of the tissues and this means they turn blue.
Mr. Specter.
Would that affect his memory?

Dr. SHIRES. Yes; sure would and did, and he remembers very little after he fell over in the car--he is very hazy, until, oh, probably the second day post operatively.
Mr. SPECTER Would that affect his memory as to what happened before the wound?
Mr. SPECTER. Or, would that affect only his memory while he was suffering from lack of oxygen?
Dr. SHIRES. Probably Just while he was suffering from lack of oxygen. He didn't have that much hypoxia. Hypoxia or anoxia or lack of oxygen could affect his memory. Had this been severe, this could have affected his memory for preceding events, but his hypoxia fortunately did not. last that long, and .he never showed real evidence of brain damage from the anoxia, so that I think his memory for events up until the time he recalls falling over in the car is probably accurate.
Mr. SPECTER. Would you relate just as exactly as you can for us what he said to you, and the nature of the conversation, with your replies, and how it went as closely as you can recount it now?
Dr. SHIRES. He recounted, and as I remember this particular occasion, Mrs. Connally was in the room too, and reconstructing events, she related the story of her last conversation with the President, relating to him, that the reception had been warm and that she was glad he couldn't say that people of Texas and in Dallas didn't like him and admire him, and she was very pleased with the way things had gone the. whole visit. Then, the next event that occurred was that she remembers hearing a shot, he remembered hearing a shot---he remembers turning to the right, he remembered being struck by a bullet, and his next thought as he fell over toward his wife was "They're going to kill all of us," and that's the last really clear memory that he expressed to me until he remembers vaguely being in the emergency room, but very little of that and then he remembers waking up in the recovery room several hours later.
Mr. Specter.
Did he say anything to you about who he meant by "they"?
Dr. SHIRES. He didn't say---he didn't comment on it at all.
Mr. Specter.
Did he describe the nature of the sound which he heard?
Dr. SHIRES. I don't believe he did---no.
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