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(Testimony of Mrs. Lee Harvey Oswald Resumed)Senator RUSSELL. Yes; but you didn't testify before. I believe, that your uncle would have been afraid to have helped you. You did testify that he did not want you to leave Russia? That's the way I recall it. I could be in error about that--do you know why he was afraid? Why should he have been afraid for you to leave Russia?* *Mrs. OSWALD. My uncle never told me personally that he was afraid that something might happen to him if I went to America. but his wife, my aunt. confided in me that my uncle was afraid for his job and for his well-being if I went to America. Senator RUSSELL. What rank did your uncle hold in the MVD? If this man was a colonel, what was your uncle, was he a colonel or a major or what?* *Mrs. OSWALD. My uncle has a degree in forestry, but he is also a colonel in MVD. Every employee has to be in the service, in the military service. He has a degree in forestry, but he is also a colonel in MVD. Senator RUSSELL. He also has the rank of a colonel in the MVD?* Senator RUSSELL. Did you ever have any occasion or know any other Russian wife of a foreigner who tried to leave Russia?* *Mrs. OSWALD. Mrs. Zeger. Mrs. Zeger and her husband lived in Argentina for 25 years---- Senator RUSSELL. Well, you testified very fully about them. But I am asking now if you know of any Russian national or citizen who was married to a foreign national who ever was able to get a visa to leave from Russia? *Mrs. OSWALD. No; I don't know--I don't know of anyone. I only heard in the American Embassy in Moscow, where I heard of a Russian woman married to an American, who had difficulty leaving the count. Senator RUSSELL. Well, that's what I had in mind. *Mrs. OSWALD. Therefore, to the very last moment we did not believe that they would let us out of the Soviet Union. Senator RUSSELL. Did they examine you very much or ask you many questions about why you wished to leave, other than the fact that your husband decided to return to the United States?* *No. We only filled out a proper questionnaire containing a statement that this will be a permanent residence in the United State or leaving the Soviet Union for permanent residence in the United States. Senator RUSSELL. And none of the officials or police examined you at all about your reason for wishing to leave?* *Mrs. OSWALD. It's very surprising, but nobody did. Senator RUSSELL. Do you know as to whether or not Lee corresponded with any of his friends in Russia after he came back to this country?* *He did. *With Mr. and Mrs. Zeger, and Erich; the medical student. I don't recall the medical student, and Pavel Golovachev. Senator RUSSELL. Paul--he was one of your old boy friends, wasn't he? Senator RUSSELL. I thought one of them was named Paul?* *Mrs. OSWALD. Not often. Senator RUSSELL. Did you write very often to your family and friends in Russia?* *Mrs. OSWALD. I wrote several letters shortly after we came to America, but I never received any answer. I also wrote to some of my colleagues where I worked. Senator RUSSELL. In Minsk?
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